I have been aware for quite some time that mentally, up top I am not quite with it. No, I’m not a mentally deranged lunatic or totally mentally handicapped, but yeah, I’m not Einstein either. I have issues with attention span, memory, thought process, the concept of time in general and I’ve got symptoms of bipolar, borderline personality disorder and a few more. Basically, I’m somewhat screwed in the head.
Surprisingly, most of the time I function okay, but I’d like to function better. So I have been trying to find out where I can get a personality and cognitive exam done. It turns out I can get one done at the University of Canberra psychological centre, or counselling service. I can’t recall which. But the problem is that these exams cost about $150. Which does not sound like much, but when you’re on less than $600 a fortnight, that’s a week’s rent, about 2-3 weeks food or 3 weeks fuel. That’s a lot of money to me.
So, does anyone know if such a test can be obtained for free? I have a health care card and student card if that helps. This means a lot to me. I’m sick and tired of having to put up with things like anxiety, depression, being greeted by people who obviously know my name and face but who I have no recollection of, doing really shit at studies despite putting in massive effort and being socially inept. And before people make smart comments, no, I don’t drink or take drugs, so there’s no cause there.
Thanks in advance for any practical advice or suggestions.