In Civic last weekend, I came across a sandwich board outside of the ACT Parliament about a consultation session on the ACT Government’s Draft ACT Planning Strategy, and the Transport for Canberra Plan.
Having fairly strong views on both, I went in to give them a piece of my mind, and came out 2 hours later. I was impressed with the ideas put forward, and by the willingness of the ACT public servants present to both listen to and to talk about new ideas.
They said they were happy to have someone under 50 arrive, as so far that day the crowd had skewed to older people. I did point out that I had only discovered the session more or less by accident, and asked where it had been advertised. I got a kind of reply along the lines of “The ACT Government website, the Crimes, and guess what – we have our very own website!!!”. This, I gently suggested, was the reason why people younger than 50 were not showing up, as very few would be looking at those websites.
Anyhow, while I’m aware this has come up on the Riot Act before, the website for having a say is If you want to have a say about what type of housing and transport Canberra gets in future, now is the time to stand up and be counted.