It looks like the people hero Comrade Stanhope will strike another blow in keeping the cost of living low for working Families. I don’t know if anyone caught it but the ABC reported on friday that
“ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope says he has failed to gain the support of the majority of primary industry ministers to phase out battery egg production nationwide.
Mr Stanhope raised the issue at a meeting of state and territory primary industry ministers in Melbourne yesterday.
The ACT Government has offered the Territory’s only egg producer $1 million to convert from battery production to a barn system.
Mr Stanhope says he did gain some support but the majority of ministers would not support a national ban.”
Looks like Cheap Eggs are still on the shelfs. I was wondering if this means that the broad issue based, alternative party, that provides more opposition than the Libs – Free Range Canberra Party will be out on the Hastings come October.