An anonymous emailer has informed CanberraLeaks that prices at the school canteens at some Canberra public-schools have risen to such ridiculous levels, many children can only afford to buy the very basics. Apparently garlic bread is a popular staple.
Minister Andrew Barr this morning addressed the issue via twitter, as did Minister Joy Burch:
@ABarrMLA: @MylesPeterson Canteens run by volunteers. Minister Bourke is working with the p&c on the issue:
@JoyBurchMLA: @MylesPeterson @reijin64 @ABarrMLA canteens are for schools not for profits. happy to talk with Ed minister
What are rioters experiences? Are you a member of a P & C with views on the issue or a student affected by the pricing? Are you a teacher or education bureaucrat with background knowledge?
Hi Rioters
Over the next few months we’re going to try and do our bit for the ACT community by bringing issues of waste and corruption to attention. For now we’ll be using Hushmail to source leads, but moving forward myself and a small team of interested people would like to turn CanberraLeaks into a regular and reliable local watchdog.
If you would like an issue investigated or have information or evidence of waste and/or corruption, please email Please supply as little identifying information as possible, we’re not interested in who you are, just what you want to bring to light.
We are also not interested in the activities of individuals.. This isn’t about bringing down tall-poppies, it’s about cleaning up our town.
Myles Peterson for CanberraLeaks