27 February 2024

UPDATED: Police believe bodies of suspected murdered couple dumped, then moved again, from Bungonia property

| Claire Fenwicke
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Luke Davies and Jesse Baird

Police believe Luke Davies (left) and Jesse Baird were murdered, with divers searching for their bodies at a Bungonia property. Photo: Facebook.

UPDATE: Tuesday, 27 February: NSW Police operatives have returned to a Bungonia property they believe is linked to the suspected murders of Sydney couple, Jesse Baird and Luke Davies.

The property is about 100 acres with two dams and officers will spend today (27 February) conducting further line searches of the area they weren’t able to cover yesterday.

A spokesperson confirmed the dams had been searched by police divers but that no items of interest had been found.

“A small boat was seized for forensic examination. This will determine if it is relevant/can be eliminated from the investigation,” they said.

It’s as the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras board has requested NSW Police officers not march in the upcoming parade.

This is because the man charged with the suspected murders is a police officer who also formerly marched at the event.

In a statement, the board said it felt police presence in the parade could add to distress within the LGBTQIA+ community.

“This decision was not made lightly, especially considering that many NSW Police members who participate in the Parade are also members of the LGBTQIA+ community and are navigating the impact of this tragedy alongside us,” it stated.

“However, we believe that their participation at this year’s event could intensify the current feelings of sorrow and distress.”

The board is meeting with NSW Police representatives to discuss the request further.

Meanwhile, NSW Police has declared a critical incident in relation to the accused’s potential use of his police-issued handgun and other aspects of the case.

“A critical incident team from the State Crime Command’s Homicide Squad will investigate all circumstances surrounding the incident,” a statement read.

“The investigation will also be reviewed by the NSW Police Force Professional Standards Command.”

The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) has also been notified.

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Monday, 26 February: Police divers are searching dams at a Bungonia property today (26 February) for the bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, who are believed to have been murdered.

Mr Baird’s previous partner, NSW Police senior constable Beau Lamarre-Condon (28), has been charged with two counts of murder and remains before the courts.

Investigations began into Mr Baird and Mr Davies’ suspicious disappearance after bloodied clothing and other possessions were found in a skip bin in Cronulla last Wednesday (21 February).

Police arrived at a Bungonia property on Hazelton Road, south-east of Goulburn, on Sunday (25 February) following information from a female acquaintance of the accused.

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner David Hudson said it was believed Mr Lamarre-Condon knew about the property from a previous relationship and had travelled there with the woman on Wednesday.

“We believe she was an innocent agent,” he said.

It’s not believed the woman knew Mr Baird and Mr Davies’ bodies could have been in the van.

Police alleged Mr Lamarre-Condon bought a hand-held angle grinder and padlock on the trip and left the woman at the property’s gate for about half an hour as he drove further on in a white Hiace van.

Deputy Commissioner Hudson said it appeared the accused had bought some weights that night and also grabbed two torches from an acquaintance.

“We believe it’s possible the accused returned to the property, retrieved the bodies and disposed of them somewhere else,” he said.

“There are missing gaps in the timeline for us.”

The pair left the Bungonia area at about 4:30 am on Thursday (22 February).

Mr Lamarre-Condon had been on leave on the Wednesday and Thursday.

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Deputy Commissioner Hudson said the number one priority of police was to find the bodies of Mr Baird and Mr Davies, who they believed were murdered.

He also commented that Mr Lamarre-Condon hadn’t been speaking with detectives thus far and had taken legal advice.

“Hopefully, he has a change of mind,” Deputy Commissioner Hudson said.

It’s hoped more acquaintances or community members might know something or now realise something they were told was important.

“It is unlikely that the bodies are in the Bungonia area. They could be anywhere between here and Newcastle and beyond,” Commissioner Karen Webb said.

“It remains today, a week later … we still have Jesse and Luke missing.”

It’s not believed anyone helped Mr Lamarre-Condon with his alleged crimes.

It’s unclear how long police divers will remain at the Bungonia property.

“We will take as long as we need to until we clear those [dams],” Deputy Commissioner Hudson said.

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Gunshots had been heard at Mr Baird’s Paddington home on Monday (19 February) at about 9:50 am, which weren’t reported to police at the time.

A Triple Zero call had been made from Jesse’s phone shortly after that time, but it’s not known if he was the one who made that call.

It’s then believed Mr Lamarre-Condon hired a white Hiace van from Sydney Airport.

Police will also allege he made admissions to an acquaintance about the “deaths of two individuals”.

Mr Lamarre-Condon is also believed to have travelled to the Newcastle area on the Thursday before washing the van at an acquaintance’s home.

He returned to Sydney at about 6:15 am on Friday (23 February) and handed himself into Bondi Police Station at 10:39 am.

It’s believed Mr Lamarre-Condon’s police-issued handgun could have been used in the alleged murders, as it had been signed out of the Miranda Police Station on 16 February.

Forensic analysis of his weapon is ongoing.

Jesse Baird had originally been a suspect in Luke Davies’ disappearance, given the nature of the belongings found in the Cronulla skip bin and text messages he had sent to his roommates about how he was planning to move to Perth.

Police now believe Mr Lamarre-Condon had been sending those messages from Mr Baird’s phone.

Original Article published by Claire Fenwicke on About Regional.

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I thought the victims and apparent perpetrator are all Gay.

If so, then according to traditional Christian values as often displayed by Christian groups they would already have been run out of town or perhaps even killed.

Absolutely tragic and sad our society has moved away from Christian values which has seen a rise in domestic violence since. My prayers and thoughts are with the victims and their families!

@Sam Oak
Surely you are not suggesting that it is only heretics, who don’t follow the Christian faith, engaging in domestic violence?

JS I wasn’t implying anything, frankly it’s disturbing that the left wing extremists turn something as tragic as this all about politics! Shame!

No implications needed Sam, you straight up said it. One only needs to a have brief glance at and your comments on almost any given article to clearly understand you said moving away from Christian Values will increase your exposure to DV.

I was purely commenting on the fact that it is a sad indictment on our society that rates of domestic violence have increased (which is fact).

@Sam Oak
Oh please – spare me the sanctimonious hypocrisy, Sam!

You opened the door with your “society has moved away from Christian values which has seen a rise in domestic violence” comment.

I merely asked if you were suggesting that only non-Christians engage in domestic violence. No politics in that whatsoever.

The only shame is on you, and your attempt to turn it into an ecclesiastical cause and effect.


Largely coinciding with a transition to a more secular society in Australia in the recent decades.

@Sam Oak
Thank you for the link to the article, Sam.

Perhaps you can point me to the chart which shows the religious association (or lack thereof) of perpetrators of domestic violence.

Talk about a non sequitur argument.

JS, gladly:

“For every one unit increase in religious attendance, the likelihood of domestic violence falls by 5%” – Ellison et al 2007

Religious attendance as a negative correlation with DV does not entail religious belief as a negative correlation with DV, let alone be causally associated.
You admit it by omission yourself, because in that research the sole significant factor was Attendance, not Religious Importance, or Prayer, or Belief Employment, or religion of choice, although you might note the negative slope on association progressing from Conservative Religion through Moderate to Liberal.

That is among several related pieces of research where some also show more fundamentalist religious partners more likely to inflict DV on the less fundamentalist (‘social control’), and more religious victims less likely to report.

From the data, the authors of the report you cite (and other reports) also questions the seminal conclusions by Hirschi and Stark (1969) that religion is irrelevant to delinquency.

Amanda Kiley3:20 pm 27 Feb 24

What are the statistics on paedophilia among those ‘serving the Lord’? Religious organisations are the last institution who should the used as a reason to discredit.

@Sam Oak
Thank you for the link and the 17 year old reference to religious attendance and domestic violence in the United States.

I note this observation from the report you cited:
“The role of religious groups, especially the Abrahamic faiths, in domestic
violence, especially conservative groups, tend to be that they endorse traditional gender
roles where husbands are given authority to make binding decisions for wives and
children. These beliefs also encourage wives to submit to and implement the husband’s
decisions. These beliefs can contribute to domestic violence by being interpreted as
sanctioning men’s violence against women (Jung and Olsen, 2017).”
Hardly a glowing endorsement of religion as a deterrent for domestic violence.

Additionally, this (https://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/domestic-violence-goes-unrecognised-in-faith-communities), 2021 ANU study, which “looked at the links between religious involvement and identity and determinants of domestic violence” is much more up to date and relevant to Australians. The study’s authors found “the more religious people were, the more likely they were to have patriarchal gender attitudes”. According to lead author Professor Naomi Priest, from the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods, “patriarchal gender attitudes are a key determinant of domestic violence”.

Crucially, Professor Priest stated:
“Our study clearly shows people who are frequently engaged in religious activities, such as attending services or prayer, or who identify as religious, are LESS LIKELY TO ACKNOWLEDGE (the capitalisation is mine – for emphasis) domestic violence is an issue in their faith community.”
This sounds very familiar, in regard to the Catholic church hierarchy’s “head in the sand” approach to dealing with sexual abuse by members of its clergy.

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