The Canberra Times is reporting (see below) that there is a competition to name our new women’s and children’s hospital. Not sure what you win, perhaps a free child birth.
With the talent in here I thought we would be best to come up with a new name.
I’ll kick off with – The Jon Stanhope Memorial Hospital.
Hospital name sought
PUT YOUR thinking caps on. A naming competition is now open for the yet-to-be built women’s and children’s hospital as part of a redevelopment of the Canberra Hospital. “In keeping with the establishment of this centre for excellence, we are looking to name this new facility after a woman who has contributed significantly to the advancement of women’s and children’s issues in the territory,” Minister for Health Katy Gallagher said. “As part of the naming process, I will also be seeking the views of the Place Names Committee and will be writing to schools to seek their input into the naming process.” The new hospital will move the paediatric unit, and co-locate it with maternity services, the neonatal intensive care unit, gynaecology and foetal medicine, and specialised outpatient services and is scheduled to open in 2012. Nominations will be open until August 31, 2008, and the public is invited to submit entries at yo ttrh e al tho tarp ri o ri ty@ a c t.go v. att