21 July 2008

House of Heroes in Phillip has closed!

| Peter Holland
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This may be of interest, House of Heroes has closed after 3-years. On the website, there is a rego form for interested parties regarding the new venture from the house of heroes team.

Here is their site: http://www.houseofheroes.com.au/

This may not be of interest to all, but it was a place that I frequented for the latest magazines and graphic novels, its closure is a bit of a shock. Maybe there is another place out there for the interim I can visit prior to the “new venture” starting up?

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such a shame. HoH was a awesome place. the guys there were so knowledgeable and helpful. thanks for the news!

I only found HoH about a year ago, I am Normally a Dee’s person. It is a real shame it had to close because Blake knew his stuff and he knew what to order in. I went there a few time only wanting one thing and walking out with eight. I liked the store because it was really comfortable like Dee’s, Civic seems too cold, clean and sterile.

Yeah, I gotta say, even geek-heavy as Canberra is, it really doesn’t support three separate comic shops – particularly when two of them are as close to each other as Impact and House of Heroes. Things were always going to be tougher for the third entrant.

I actually lived closer to House of Heroes, but my standing orders are with Dees and Impact (largely cause when Impact Records closed down, Dees was the only comic shop in town for a brief period – and I know and like the Impact guys)

They lasted three years? That’s the surprising part.

They had a fantastic closing down sale, at least — 50% off US cover price!

Take it with a truckload of salt, but I heard third-hand that the owner of the building massively increased the rent to the point where it didn’t make sense to stay open, so the new plan was to move the business online-only and run it out of a (residential) garage.

Impact Comics in Garema Place is tops and run by good blokes too, it’s a very tidy looking store. Dees in Belco is pretty good too.

I used to go to Sydney for my stuff but had found in the past that Canberra had just as much if not more variety of things here (namely action figures and comics). It’s a real shame that House of Heroes is gone.

There is a great shop in Melbourne call Minotaur that has absolutely everything http://www.minotaur.com.au

Skidbladnir said :

I discovered HoH was closed the same day I realised the Arts store had been sold.
(Yes, I’m slow to pick up on these)

Unless Blake is willing to tell us when we can find him and his stock again… Dee’s? Impact Comics?

I just thought that the Art Store had moved. Damn it!

I discovered HoH was closed the same day I realised the Arts store had been sold.
(Yes, I’m slow to pick up on these)

Unless Blake is willing to tell us when we can find him and his stock again… Dee’s? Impact Comics?

Can’t say I’m surprised. Damn shame though.

Good luck to them with their new business model. I put my email address down to stay informed.

There’s a comic store in Garema Place – Impact Comics?

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