Zed Seselja is making sure that no-one misses the disintegration of morale within the Government as the clock counts down to the final sitting day on 28 August.
Here’s Zed’s take on recent events:
- Today in relation to Mr Stanhope and Mrs Gallagher’s conduct as shareholders of Rhodium:
Karin Macdonald attacks Jon Stanhope and Katy Gallagher’s performance as shareholder Ministers through the Public Accounts Committee.
Jon Stanhope criticises the intelligence of members of the committee, says the committee is wrong and says he will get his own contrary legal advice.
Today in relation to Labor staffing arrangements:
Wayne Berry moves legislation to have Mary Porter’s husband removed from her staff.
Jon Stanhope and other Labor MLAs join Wayne Berry to vote against Mary Porter and pass the legislation.
Mary Porter hits back and says she will keep her staffing arrangements up until the election and refuses to comment on the merits of the legislation.
Yesterday after Mr Stanhope’s disorderly conduct in the Chamber:
Jon Stanhope ignores Wayne Berry’s attempts to restrain him from heckling and shouts over the top of him.
Wayne Berry threw Jon Stanhope out of the parliament for three hours.
Karin Macdonald, Mick Gentleman and Katy Gallagher who are in the chamber fail to call a division to protect Mr Stanhope from humiliation.
And just not knowing what’s going on…
Mick Gentleman stood in the Assembly and denied the Labor Party was running ads despite a radio ad already on air and featured on their own website.