Last Friday on my way home from work I took my normal route back to Chisholm. After the roundabout turnoff on the Monaro I got stuck behind a silver VN Commodore sitting in the right hand lane doing 70km/h up the hill in an 80km/h zone with no one in the left hand lane on Isabella Drive.
As a result I used the left hand lane and overtook said person as he wasn’t doing the limit and the left lane was empty. I got 50 metres up the road before said person decided to take offense to my driving. Somehow I had taken a piss on his precious bit of road and he didn’t like it.
Said person then decided to floor it to catch up to me clearly breaking the speed limit in the process. He then tailgated me, flashing his high beams on and off repeatedly to blind me in my rear vision mirror and then proceeded to pull up next to me in the left hand lane giving me the finger….what the? Perhaps he had just overdosed on Roids?
The idiot then turned left at the next roundabout… Why was he in the right hand lane to begin with?
Perhaps I should have slammed on the brakes so he smashed into the back of my ute or followed him home and put a brick through his window/face?
What do Rioters suggest we do with such moronic Canberra drivers on our roads?