With the demise of ACT Fuel watch, here’s a simple solution for tracking Canberra’s fuel prices via Twitter.
All drivers need to do is take a photo of the fuel price sign when they fill up (obviously not WHILE they’re filling up) and tweet it along with their location (just the suburb will do) and add the hashtag #CBRFuelWatch.
Canberra drivers then can easily monitor the hashtag and even more easily check it before they go and fill up to find out where the best local prices might be.
It’s a simple, consumer driven solution.
The best thing – it’ll really upset the oil companies who, if I remember rightly, don’t actually like people taking photos of their fuel price signs because it gives away too much information.
Lets make it happen Canberra.
By way of disclaimer – there is definitely a cash incentive for me to make this happen.
The incentive is that if this works, I’ll probably be able to pay less for my petrol!!