19 March 2013

Adding to the cyclist debate [With poll]

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Loxmyf has sent us in this video of a cyclist turning around a corner at a dubious time.

Have a cyclist going through a red light. Coulter Drive and Southern Cross drive Monday 18 March 2013.

Time for another poll Rioters!

Is this cyclist doing the wrong thing?

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Aeek said :

melon1234 said :

Postalgeek said :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8NX_gR8AaA — THIS ONE

I wonder whether old mate filming realised that it was also illegal to undertake the u-turn at that intersection (“A driver must not make a U–turn at an intersection with traffic lights unless there is a U-turn permitted sign at the intersection”).

Stupid people, stupid thing. Natural selection here we come.

Maybe the Vid was a NSW driver, its the other way there. Aren’t National road rules great?

You seem to be saying that the U-turn at traffic lights law is different in NSW. Do you have a source for that?

This is what’s in the current version of the NSW road rules on the NSW RTA web site:

40 Making a U-turn at an intersection with traffic lights
A driver must not make a U-turn at an intersection with traffic lights unless there is a U-turn permitted sign at the intersection.

Seems pretty consistent with the national road rules to me – in fact it seems identical.

KB1971 said :

chewy14 said :

KB1971 said :

Obviously a different one to you, on the far left you can see the glow of the traffic lights facing the rider, they are red.

Um, that’s exactly what I just said.

Sorry, misread and blended the two posts together……please forgive me?

There’s no apologies needed on a cycling thread. Just like the cyclist in question, pretend you didnt see it and carry on.

chewy14 said :

KB1971 said :

Obviously a different one to you, on the far left you can see the glow of the traffic lights facing the rider, they are red.

Um, that’s exactly what I just said.

Sorry, misread and blended the two posts together……please forgive me?

KB1971 said :

Obviously a different one to you, on the far left you can see the glow of the traffic lights facing the rider, they are red.

Um, that’s exactly what I just said.

chewy14 said :

vg said :

KB1971 said :

what_the said :

I get the lights not registering when you’re on a bike, it’s done it before when I’ve been on the motorcycle. However I’m yet to see a cyclist stop and wait before going through a red light. It’s usually slow down, check for oncoming traffic and straight through the red light.

You are not looking very hard then, when I am waiting at the traffic lights on the corner of Alinga St and Northbourne Ave I always see other riders doing the same thing. It is actually rare for a cyclist in this area to run a light if they are travelling on the road.

This comment doesnt apply to the ninga single speeders, uni students and hipsters who cross on the footpath.

I did actually see a copper bail up a couple of chicks for riding without helmets in Garema Place the other day.

Again I say it, no evidence of an offence. Nothing showing a cyclist traversing a red light, just an assumption since another light turns green.

If there is evidence then please give it a run in the Magistrates Court. On the above you’d be out n your ass in 10 seconds

What video are you watching?

The cyclist Is travelling from the right. The set of lights on the left facing right are clearly red. Unless that isnt illegal anymore?

Obviously a different one to you, on the far left you can see the glow of the traffic lights facing the rider, they are red.

vg said :

KB1971 said :

what_the said :

I get the lights not registering when you’re on a bike, it’s done it before when I’ve been on the motorcycle. However I’m yet to see a cyclist stop and wait before going through a red light. It’s usually slow down, check for oncoming traffic and straight through the red light.

You are not looking very hard then, when I am waiting at the traffic lights on the corner of Alinga St and Northbourne Ave I always see other riders doing the same thing. It is actually rare for a cyclist in this area to run a light if they are travelling on the road.

This comment doesnt apply to the ninga single speeders, uni students and hipsters who cross on the footpath.

I did actually see a copper bail up a couple of chicks for riding without helmets in Garema Place the other day.

Again I say it, no evidence of an offence. Nothing showing a cyclist traversing a red light, just an assumption since another light turns green.

If there is evidence then please give it a run in the Magistrates Court. On the above you’d be out n your ass in 10 seconds

What video are you watching?

The cyclist Is travelling from the right. The set of lights on the left facing right are clearly red. Unless that isnt illegal anymore?

vg said :

Again I say it, no evidence of an offence. Nothing showing a cyclist traversing a red light, just an assumption since another light turns green.

Watch it again – in the LHS of the frame, you can see that the lights facing where the cyclist came from are red for the duration of the clip – both lights, the straight ahead and the right-turn arrow.

Postalgeek said :

what_the said :

I get the lights not registering when you’re on a bike, it’s done it before when I’ve been on the motorcycle. However I’m yet to see a cyclist stop and wait before going through a red light. It’s usually slow down, check for oncoming traffic and straight through the red light.

I can tell you why some cyclists are loathe to come to a complete stop, though it’s not a justification for ignoring road rules.

As a car driver, the effort required to go from a state of rest to a given speed is the pressing of a foot. The energy required by a cyclist is, obviously, significantly more.

Moreover, cycle shoe clips compound the problem because although they provide great efficiency while pedalling, it can be a hit-and-miss process clipping into them when starting off. I’m sure you’ve seen cyclists falter as they seek to clip in when starting off at lights. The prospect of that clipping process is even less welcome if you want a quick take-off, e.g. crossing a road, and you find yourself fumbling to clip into your pedals as traffic is bearing down on you.

It’s why some cyclists learn to track stand (balance without putting feet down) at traffic lights, which many find difficult. It’s not just showing off, it allows them to take off quickly through an intersection.

An analogy is to imagine that every time a motorist comes to a halt, they need to slip the car into park and turn off the engine, even if it’s waiting for a gap in traffic.


Stand by for the Google meltdown for Idaho Stop – the road law that helps everyone think ahead.

KB1971 said :

what_the said :

I get the lights not registering when you’re on a bike, it’s done it before when I’ve been on the motorcycle. However I’m yet to see a cyclist stop and wait before going through a red light. It’s usually slow down, check for oncoming traffic and straight through the red light.

You are not looking very hard then, when I am waiting at the traffic lights on the corner of Alinga St and Northbourne Ave I always see other riders doing the same thing. It is actually rare for a cyclist in this area to run a light if they are travelling on the road.

This comment doesnt apply to the ninga single speeders, uni students and hipsters who cross on the footpath.

I did actually see a copper bail up a couple of chicks for riding without helmets in Garema Place the other day.

Again I say it, no evidence of an offence. Nothing showing a cyclist traversing a red light, just an assumption since another light turns green.

If there is evidence then please give it a run in the Magistrates Court. On the above you’d be out n your ass in 10 seconds

what_the said :

I get the lights not registering when you’re on a bike, it’s done it before when I’ve been on the motorcycle. However I’m yet to see a cyclist stop and wait before going through a red light. It’s usually slow down, check for oncoming traffic and straight through the red light.

I can tell you why some cyclists are loathe to come to a complete stop, though it’s not a justification for ignoring road rules.

As a car driver, the effort required to go from a state of rest to a given speed is the pressing of a foot. The energy required by a cyclist is, obviously, significantly more.

Moreover, cycle shoe clips compound the problem because although they provide great efficiency while pedalling, it can be a hit-and-miss process clipping into them when starting off. I’m sure you’ve seen cyclists falter as they seek to clip in when starting off at lights. The prospect of that clipping process is even less welcome if you want a quick take-off, e.g. crossing a road, and you find yourself fumbling to clip into your pedals as traffic is bearing down on you.

It’s why some cyclists learn to track stand (balance without putting feet down) at traffic lights, which many find difficult. It’s not just showing off, it allows them to take off quickly through an intersection.

An analogy is to imagine that every time a motorist comes to a halt, they need to slip the car into park and turn off the engine, even if it’s waiting for a gap in traffic.

So if you wanted to turn right across traffic, and the lights won’t recognise you, and you don’t want to compromise your safety further by fiddling to clip into your pedals as you drifted in front of oncoming cars, you might decide to ride through when the coast is clear without stopping. It might not be right, but it is rational.

what_the said :

I get the lights not registering when you’re on a bike, it’s done it before when I’ve been on the motorcycle. However I’m yet to see a cyclist stop and wait before going through a red light. It’s usually slow down, check for oncoming traffic and straight through the red light.

You are not looking very hard then, when I am waiting at the traffic lights on the corner of Alinga St and Northbourne Ave I always see other riders doing the same thing. It is actually rare for a cyclist in this area to run a light if they are travelling on the road.

This comment doesnt apply to the ninga single speeders, uni students and hipsters who cross on the footpath.

I did actually see a copper bail up a couple of chicks for riding without helmets in Garema Place the other day.

The OP shows no evidence an offence has been committed by the cyclist

zippyzippy said :

I often guiltily think to myself as I drive that if this driving session had been my driving test, I would fail. Sometimes i’ve one hand on the wheel, sometimes i’m briefly over the speed limit – all kinds of (little) breaches that would quickly lose me driving test points.

Same actually happens when I cycle. I don’t always dismount at a crossing (but I slow right down and look), and sometimes I go through a red light when it won’t change and there are no cars around.

Come to think of it, when I’m walking I jaywalk as well.

I don’t know what this all means. But i do I try to be a polite and safe traveller for any other road users.

I get the lights not registering when you’re on a bike, it’s done it before when I’ve been on the motorcycle. However I’m yet to see a cyclist stop and wait before going through a red light. It’s usually slow down, check for oncoming traffic and straight through the red light.

gungsuperstar10:53 am 21 Mar 13

Grimm said :

gungsuperstar said :

Grimm said :

For the record, I’m a 95% driver, 5% cyclist – you are 100% arse hat.

Seems to me that you are 200% butthurt.

It’s just telling that so many people seem outright amazed when they find a cyclist that actually is considerate, and does the right thing rather than being a dick. Surely that’s not because it is so exceedingly uncommon, right?

No you weren’t, you were sprouting falsified crap that you’ve made up to justify your nonsensical hatred towards cyclists, and you’ve done the very same thing in this post.

SO MANY PEOPLE are amazed by considerate cyclists!?!

I find myself more amazed when a driver slows down to let me in, as opposed to speeding up, lest a car get in front of them.

I often guiltily think to myself as I drive that if this driving session had been my driving test, I would fail. Sometimes i’ve one hand on the wheel, sometimes i’m briefly over the speed limit – all kinds of (little) breaches that would quickly lose me driving test points.

Same actually happens when I cycle. I don’t always dismount at a crossing (but I slow right down and look), and sometimes I go through a red light when it won’t change and there are no cars around.

Come to think of it, when I’m walking I jaywalk as well.

I don’t know what this all means. But i do I try to be a polite and safe traveller for any other road users.

melon1234 said :

Postalgeek said :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8NX_gR8AaA — THIS ONE

I wonder whether old mate filming realised that it was also illegal to undertake the u-turn at that intersection (“A driver must not make a U–turn at an intersection with traffic lights unless there is a U-turn permitted sign at the intersection”).

Stupid people, stupid thing. Natural selection here we come.

What else was he supposed to do with the Po Po blocking the road?

melon1234 said :

Postalgeek said :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8NX_gR8AaA — THIS ONE

I wonder whether old mate filming realised that it was also illegal to undertake the u-turn at that intersection (“A driver must not make a U–turn at an intersection with traffic lights unless there is a U-turn permitted sign at the intersection”).

Stupid people, stupid thing. Natural selection here we come.

Maybe the Vid was a NSW driver, its the other way there. Aren’t National road rules great?

Postalgeek said :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8NX_gR8AaA — THIS ONE

I wonder whether old mate filming realised that it was also illegal to undertake the u-turn at that intersection (“A driver must not make a U–turn at an intersection with traffic lights unless there is a U-turn permitted sign at the intersection”).

Stupid people, stupid thing. Natural selection here we come.

I thought we only picked on the try hard road hogging lycra cyclists. This video is going too far to the right.

I really enjoy noticing the motor behind me is indicating left and shifting right so they can save a few seconds.

Threads like these just validate my feelings of satisfaction when I get a friendly wave for a courteous opening of a gap for a lane change or waving through of a large vehicle when I could have asserted my ‘right’ and dived in front.

I’ve decided to stop complaining about Canberra drivers focus on being as courteous and sensible as possible, and change the motoring world one friendly wave at a time.

Jivrashia said :

The lycra is like a costume, causing cyclists to have the delusion that they are superheroes.
I’m actually surprise[d] I haven’t as yet seen a cyclist ride past sporting a mantle.

Never mind. It’s already been done.

That’s comical – he’s my hero!

thebrownstreak69 said :

I find it strange that some cyclists insist on riding so aggressively.

The lycra is like a costume, causing cyclists to have the delusion that they are superheroes.
I’m actually surprise I haven’t as yet seen a cyclist ride past sporting a mantle.

Never mind. It’s already been done.

Grimm said :

It’s just telling that so many people seem outright amazed when they find a cyclist that actually is considerate, and does the right thing rather than being a dick. Surely that’s not because it is so exceedingly uncommon, right?

‘So many people’? Do you want to point out the ‘so many people’ who ‘seem outright amazed’, or is this just another example of you pulling something out of your arse and holding it up to the world, Lion King-style, declaring it a fact?

You’ve got one person in this thread who has thanked a cyclist for their consideration. Show me how that has multiplied and transformed into ‘outright amazement’. Should be a piece of piss as you’ll have so many examples.

thebrownstreak693:35 pm 20 Mar 13

carnardly said :

the dude in the silver car who almost took out two cyclists is damn lucky he didn’t hit one.

talk about DILLIGAF!!!

No, the cyclists are the ones who are lucky.

Regardless of who was right or wrong, the cyclists are the ones who will suffer, which is why I find it strange that some cyclists insist on riding so aggressively.

gungsuperstar said :

Grimm said :

For the record, I’m a 95% driver, 5% cyclist – you are 100% arse hat.

Seems to me that you are 200% butthurt.

It’s just telling that so many people seem outright amazed when they find a cyclist that actually is considerate, and does the right thing rather than being a dick. Surely that’s not because it is so exceedingly uncommon, right?

Solidarity said :

I’m selling chill pills, $5 a pop, or free if you’re a cyclist.


Do they have EPO in them? If not, not interested……….

the dude in the silver car who almost took out two cyclists is damn lucky he didn’t hit one. talk about DILLIGAF!!!

No real signs of lycra. Do you think that jumper could be cashmere?

HiddenDragon12:48 pm 20 Mar 13

Oh dear, just when I thought we were starting to broaden our horizons with fascinating subjects such as the Civic performance art urinals, here we are back with the cyclists. Next time, in the spirit of think global, act local, could the topic be something like “457 visa holders on cycles”, “speedo-wearing misogynists on cycles”, “incandescent media executives on cycles”, “friends and acquaintances of Eddie Obeid on cycles”. Just sayin……..

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd11:36 am 20 Mar 13

Grimm said :

Oh, look, cyclists pretending this isn’t standard operating procedure for them.

The difference between this and idiots in cars is that maybe 1 in 1000 idiots does burnouts and speeds compulsively etc. On the other side of the coin, about 1 in 1000 cyclists actually obey the road rules all the time.


thebrownstreak6911:30 am 20 Mar 13

1 in 1000 speeds? Surely you jest!

I’m selling chill pills, $5 a pop, or free if you’re a cyclist.


gungsuperstar11:05 am 20 Mar 13

Grimm said :

Oh, look, cyclists pretending this isn’t standard operating procedure for them.

The difference between this and idiots in cars is that maybe 1 in 1000 idiots does burnouts and speeds compulsively etc. On the other side of the coin, about 1 in 1000 cyclists actually obey the road rules all the time.

Stupidest comment I’ve ever read.

I can only assume you don’t actually use roads. EVERY SINGLE CAR that is travelling through the Parkes Way roadworks and along the GDE outside of peak hour is speeding.

1 in 1000? You’re an idiot, and another of the stupid, mindless, mob-mentality haters. It is YOU who is the problem on the roads – drivers who think they own the road and can do no wrong, who thinks it’s everyone elses job to account for YOUR ignorance and stupidity.

For the record, I’m a 95% driver, 5% cyclist – you are 100% arse hat.

Grimm said :

The difference between this and idiots in cars is that maybe 1 in 1000 idiots does burnouts and speeds compulsively etc. On the other side of the coin, about 1 in 1000 cyclists actually obey the road rules all the time.

Why hold cyclists to a higher standard?

Not doing burnouts and not speeding compusively does not equal Obey the road rules all the time.

johnboy said :

So I’m curious, if you as a motorist couldn’t get the right hand turn sensor to pick you up, would you wait there for hours for a truck to come and set it off?

Or cross when safe to do so?

Cross when safe, I have actually had this happen.

Postalgeek said :

Masquara said :

Grail said :

So when I post videos of the hooligans doing burnouts in the school parking lot across the road from my place at 11pm every night, that will count against all car drivers, right?

No not really – it just makes them seem more like cyclists than normal people …

Shouldn’t you be bin-diving for a new jumper?


You know Masquara, you blend in with the humans quite well until a cyclist thread comes up. Then the troll in you pops its head out just like the Incredible Hulk.

sometimes the magnetic sensor underneath the road does not detect the person on the bike.

This is also a problem for motorcycles.

Balthazar said :

Yes, they are doing the wrong thing and should be punished.

But don’t judge all cyclists by this moron.

The survey options show the creators prejudice against cyclists.

agree. i see a heap of cars going through red lights too….LET’S LYNCH THEM!!!!!

Oh, look, cyclists pretending this isn’t standard operating procedure for them.

The difference between this and idiots in cars is that maybe 1 in 1000 idiots does burnouts and speeds compulsively etc. On the other side of the coin, about 1 in 1000 cyclists actually obey the road rules all the time.

So I’m curious, if you as a motorist couldn’t get the right hand turn sensor to pick you up, would you wait there for hours for a truck to come and set it off?

Or cross when safe to do so?

Ten points for using “scallywag”. 😀

karmatraveller2:04 am 20 Mar 13

100% serious question – why are you recording the drive at that time of night. why at all?

Masquara said :

Grail said :

So when I post videos of the hooligans doing burnouts in the school parking lot across the road from my place at 11pm every night, that will count against all car drivers, right?

No not really – it just makes them seem more like cyclists than normal people …

Shouldn’t you be bin-diving for a new jumper?

fromthecapital said :


Is that a record on a single lane turn? Three on the red?

Grail said :

So when I post videos of the hooligans doing burnouts in the school parking lot across the road from my place at 11pm every night, that will count against all car drivers, right?

No not really – it just makes them seem more like cyclists than normal people …

Hard to tell, but I don’t see lycra.

KB1971 said :

I wonder why the silver Falcon stopped in the third one? Did he happen to get a kick in the door I wonder ………..

To be fair, in that last one the car/bikes can fly through that roundabout & if you misjudge the speed that can happen.

And in the first one the bus goes through on a red, surprise surprise.

can I vote for both statements? they’re not really mutually exclusive…


Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:18 pm 19 Mar 13

Grail said :

So when I post videos of the hooligans doing burnouts in the school parking lot across the road from my place at 11pm every night, that will count against all car drivers, right?

Using the cyclist hatred mentality, this logic makes perfect sense.

gungsuperstar8:15 pm 19 Mar 13

Postalgeek said :

Apparently the OP thinks there is a ‘cyclist argument’. Ok, then.

Not winning the motorist argument:







I could play this game all day…

Are we going to hold a poll regarding motorists every time one goes through a red light, or pedestrians if one is caught jaywalking?

Had a cracking good laugh at a couple of them 😀

How’s your luck when you’re driving the wrong way down a street… that the fuzz were about to turn into 😀

The cyclist is merely emulating the large number of quality motorists that go through blatant red lights on a regular basis.

Postalgeek said :

Apparently the OP thinks there is a ‘cyclist argument’. Ok, then.

Not winning the motorist argument:







I could play this game all day…

Are we going to hold a poll regarding motorists every time one goes through a red light, or pedestrians if one is caught jaywalking?

I wonder why the silver Falcon stopped in the third one? Did he happen to get a kick in the door I wonder ………..

To be fair, in that last one the car/bikes can fly through that roundabout & if you misjudge the speed that can happen.

Apparently the OP thinks there is a ‘cyclist argument’. Ok, then.

Not winning the motorist argument:







I could play this game all day…

Are we going to hold a poll regarding motorists every time one goes through a red light, or pedestrians if one is caught jaywalking?

Balthazar said :

Yes, they are doing the wrong thing and should be punished.

But don’t judge all cyclists by this moron.

The survey options show the creators prejudice against cyclists.

Oddly enough Johnboy and myself are both keen cyclists and created the poll so… maybe? We are fairly into self loathing.

I’m going to co-opt this thread to say thank you to the cyclist who considerately moved to the shoulder of the road on Alexandrina Drive so I could get past at lunchtime. There was no honking of horns or rude hand gestures, just plain old fashioned consideration.


gungsuperstar said :

perhaps rather than contributing to this mob-mentality generalisations of cyclists, we see this as one law breaker.

they drive cars too you know.

Until cyclists learn not to take the bait, I’m afraid these sorts of amusements will continue on Riotact!

So when I post videos of the hooligans doing burnouts in the school parking lot across the road from my place at 11pm every night, that will count against all car drivers, right?

gungsuperstar5:50 pm 19 Mar 13

perhaps rather than contributing to this mob-mentality generalisations of cyclists, we see this as one law breaker.

they drive cars too you know.

Yes, they are doing the wrong thing and should be punished.

But don’t judge all cyclists by this moron.

The survey options show the creators prejudice against cyclists.

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