6 September 2013

And there was much honking

| johnboy
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Pitchka has beheld this sight in Civic:

Enjoy… Plenty of honking to be had..

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justin heywood said :

In my experience, the fundamentalist ideologues are much more common on the left side of politics

Such as the lefty pinko that denied Australian women access to RU-486, considers gay marriage to be a “fashion of the moment,” denies that climate change is actually happening, and doesn’t believe that women have any place in management or politics (because they are physiologically incapable of leading any organisation that matters).

The same lefty rabbiting on about how he is proud to bear the white man’s burden in his election victory speech. Nope, no fundamentalist ideology there!

Roundhead89 said :

This picture is disturbing because it indicates that the left wing rabble in lefty city might slip into sour grapes, whinging mode about the new government. I am not used to picking up The Canberra Times and having to look at their garbage every day in the letters page. To all left wingers I say SHUT UP. We won, you lost and there is no room for you now. Leave the country now, like you were all threatening to do on Facebook and Twitter.

On a side note, it seems that the phenomenon of “the deep south” where Tuggeranong became a Liberal stronghold at last year’s Assembly election has disappeared. The Greens vote seems universal throughout Canberra so Zed wasn’t able to move that personal following from the Assembly to the Senate. I would say that his destruction of Humphries was a major political blunder because he has left the Libs floundering in the Assembly whereas if he’d have stayed on it was 99% certain he’d be chief minister in 3 years. Now in the Senate he has turned what should be a safe seat into an ultra marginal one where a blow-in candidate from interstate (described as a “fly-in, fly-out lobbyist” by the candidate he dumped) was almost able to be elected despite a nationwide swing against The Greens.

The massive barrage of Greens and Labor advertising probably brought about the result in the ACT. Every ad break was full of their propaganda – there was hardly any Liberal ads at all. Where did they get the money for these ads? It was unprecedented for such a barrage of left wing ads in the local area, the city of the true believers. I realise these ads were directed to voters across the border in Eden Monaro but it was still very disconcerting to have these nasty, snarling ads formulated by Americans shouting at me every few seconds, especially since Rudd said he wated to stay positive. And I was very surprised that those Labor ads whining about Liberal cuts to the public service, education and other areas were actually running nationwide, not just in the Canberra bureaucratic piranha pool. Another indication of how out of touch with the real world Labor became in government.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd4:48 pm 09 Sep 13

Darkfalz said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

What’s stopping you? You need these “morons” to pay the taxes you benefit from?

Haha nice try. I have never been on any type of benefits.

What’s stopping me is my wife likes it here.

justin heywood said :

But labor has proven to be entirely pragmatic on the issue. Much posturing about ‘the gretest moral challenge of our age’ is useful to get inner-city votes, but any actual commitment to doing something about it evaporates when votes are on the line.

er…except the ALP implemented a Carbon Tax, funded renewable investment corporation/agency, funded solar rebates, and funded a home insulation scheme, the upshot of all of which was a reduction in energy consumption, an increase in renewable investment, and the closure of a few coal-burning plants.

Action, not posturing.

Once again, you write stuff that is in-line with an ideology, not the result of recognising real-world facts.

justin heywood2:15 pm 09 Sep 13

Robertson said :

justin heywood said :

It takes a special kind of dumb arrogance to think that anyone whose politics doesn’t mirror your own is stupid.

On the other hand, all it takes is a modicum of intelligence to know that anybody who says, “science is crap” is stupid, and therefore to question the intelligence of his supporters.

So, tell us Justin – how do you support a stupid and yet retain a belief that you are not?

But voting labor isnt going to fix climate change, is it? If I thought it would even make a small difference I would vote labor too.

But labor has proven to be entirely pragmatic on the issue. Much posturing about ‘the gretest moral challenge of our age’ is useful to get inner-city votes, but any actual commitment to doing something about it evaporates when votes are on the line. And the situation is unlikely to change while unions effectively run labor.


justin heywood said :

It takes a special kind of dumb arrogance to think that anyone whose politics doesn’t mirror your own is stupid.

On the other hand, all it takes is a modicum of intelligence to know that anybody who says, “science is crap” is stupid, and therefore to question the intelligence of his supporters.

So, tell us Justin – how do you support a stupid and yet retain a belief that you are not?

Postalgeek said :

The massive barrage of Greens and Labor advertising probably brought about the result in the ACT. Every ad break was full of their propaganda – there was hardly any Liberal ads at all. Where did they get the money for these ads?

Lefties with money? What an outrage. I’m sure Abbott will implement his vision of no money for anybody unless they went to a privileged North Shore school.

Roundhead89 said :

This picture is disturbing because it indicates that the left wing rabble in lefty city might slip into sour grapes, whinging mode about the new government. I am not used to picking up The Canberra Times and having to look at their garbage every day in the letters page. To all left wingers I say SHUT UP. We won, you lost and there is no room for you now. Leave the country now, like you were all threatening to do on Facebook and Twitter.

On a side note, it seems that the phenomenon of “the deep south” where Tuggeranong became a Liberal stronghold at last year’s Assembly election has disappeared. The Greens vote seems universal throughout Canberra so Zed wasn’t able to move that personal following from the Assembly to the Senate. I would say that his destruction of Humphries was a major political blunder because he has left the Libs floundering in the Assembly whereas if he’d have stayed on it was 99% certain he’d be chief minister in 3 years. Now in the Senate he has turned what should be a safe seat into an ultra marginal one where a blow-in candidate from interstate (described as a “fly-in, fly-out lobbyist” by the candidate he dumped) was almost able to be elected despite a nationwide swing against The Greens.

The massive barrage of Greens and Labor advertising probably brought about the result in the ACT. Every ad break was full of their propaganda – there was hardly any Liberal ads at all. Where did they get the money for these ads? It was unprecedented for such a barrage of left wing ads in the local area, the city of the true believers. I realise these ads were directed to voters across the border in Eden Monaro but it was still very disconcerting to have these nasty, snarling ads formulated by Americans shouting at me every few seconds, especially since Rudd said he wated to stay positive. And I was very surprised that those Labor ads whining about Liberal cuts to the public service, education and other areas were actually running nationwide, not just in the Canberra bureaucratic piranha pool. Another indication of how out of touch with the real world Labor became in government.

Roundhead89 said :

This picture is disturbing because it indicates that the left wing rabble in lefty city might slip into sour grapes, whinging mode about the new government. I am not used to picking up The Canberra Times and having to look at their garbage every day in the letters page. To all left wingers I say SHUT UP. We won, you lost and there is no room for you now. Leave the country now, like you were all threatening to do on Facebook and Twitter.

Actually, that’s not how democracy works at all. There’s a little thing about freedom of speech, and there is room for a diversity of opinion. No-one has to leave the country.

Robertson said :


See that? There is currently a falling trend of -50mm/year of rainfall in some of Queensland’s most densely-populated areas..


That should read,
There is currently a falling trend of -50mm/decade of rainfall in some of Queensland’s most densely-populated areas..

Darkfalz said :

I don’t think the science is necessarily crap. There is certainly an affect of human behaviour on the environment, and possibly a slight affect on climate.

What you think and what the science says are two very different things: the science says a doubling of CO2 from pre-industrial levels will cause 3 degrees of warming. The science says that 3 degrees of warming will entail serious consequences to agriculture, fisheries, the energy available to destructive weather events, and low-lying human habitation due to sea level rise.

I’ll take the science over your opinion, any day.

Darkfalz said :

I believe the predictions are mostly irresponsible hyperbole (you only need to look at the ridiculous things Tim Flannery claimed as recently as a few years ago), as well as opportunistically blaming every warm day, cyclone or flood on global warming.

Did you know – What Alan Jones says Tim Flannery says and what Tim FLannery actually says, are two completely different things?
Here is what Tim Flannery was trying to explain in very simple terms so even the layman (but not Alan Jones or Tony Abbott, clearly) could understand him:


See that? There is currently a falling trend of -50mm/year of rainfall in some of Queensland’s most densely-populated areas.

I wonder at what point it will click in your head, Darkfalz, that the unmitigated rubbish coming from Alan Jones is causing you to be misled?

Darkfalz said :

Forgive me if I think cleaning up waterways, planting trees and so on will do more actual good for our environment than trading in fake carbon credits which will be ultimately rorted by overseas government.

Channeling Alan Jones again, I see.

Better minds than yours have detailed how a carbon market does work to divert investment away from fossil-fuel industries and into clean energy instead.
Maybe do some research instead of parroting the parrot.

This picture is disturbing because it indicates that the left wing rabble in lefty city might slip into sour grapes, whinging mode about the new government. I am not used to picking up The Canberra Times and having to look at their garbage every day in the letters page. To all left wingers I say SHUT UP. We won, you lost and there is no room for you now. Leave the country now, like you were all threatening to do on Facebook and Twitter.

On a side note, it seems that the phenomenon of “the deep south” where Tuggeranong became a Liberal stronghold at last year’s Assembly election has disappeared. The Greens vote seems universal throughout Canberra so Zed wasn’t able to move that personal following from the Assembly to the Senate. I would say that his destruction of Humphries was a major political blunder because he has left the Libs floundering in the Assembly whereas if he’d have stayed on it was 99% certain he’d be chief minister in 3 years. Now in the Senate he has turned what should be a safe seat into an ultra marginal one where a blow-in candidate from interstate (described as a “fly-in, fly-out lobbyist” by the candidate he dumped) was almost able to be elected despite a nationwide swing against The Greens.

The massive barrage of Greens and Labor advertising probably brought about the result in the ACT. Every ad break was full of their propaganda – there was hardly any Liberal ads at all. Where did they get the money for these ads? It was unprecedented for such a barrage of left wing ads in the local area, the city of the true believers. I realise these ads were directed to voters across the border in Eden Monaro but it was still very disconcerting to have these nasty, snarling ads formulated by Americans shouting at me every few seconds, especially since Rudd said he wated to stay positive. And I was very surprised that those Labor ads whining about Liberal cuts to the public service, education and other areas were actually running nationwide, not just in the Canberra bureaucratic piranha pool. Another indication of how out of touch with the real world Labor became in government.

LSWCHP said :

“Let’s attack Syria and get involved in another Arab conflagration. It can only end well!”


Most Americans are against any intervention in Syria, including virtually all of the people that voted in the head buffoon, who seems to think an attack on Syria will put hair on his chest.

Rand Paul is my early pick for 2016. America needs to go in a new direction and realise it cannot fix the middle east, and by putting in puppets they only generally make it worse.

Mr Evil said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Mr Evil said :

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

I’m curious to know which intellectual paradise you would think of moving to?

The problem is there isn’t one otherwise there’d be a few americans headed there also!

I voted for the Howard government for years (they had some good ideas), however the rubbish served by both parties for the last two elections has shown, more people are not voting for both parties, myself included. The coalition got in by making labor look bad and not themselves look good. I sure hope they get some of their medicine back. As it is the senate looks like a lot of minor parties so that could be fun for Abbott. maybe even a 1 term government when people realise the promises can not be kept.

Pork Hunt said :

LSWCHP said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Mr Evil said :

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

I understand that sentiment. But then I think of America, and realise that I’m much happier with the morons here that I understand, rather than those morons whose actions are gnerally incomprehensible.

“Let’s attack Syria and get involved in another Arab conflagration. It can only end well!”


As a former (potential) warrior I agree. There should be less shooting, not more. Having said that, we need to be prepared in case the excrement hits the impeller…

Oh yeah, I don’t disagree with that. I had a company commander who was an ex member of the AATTV. He once said to me something like “LSWCHP, the best way to ensure peace is to be the toughest bloke in the neighborhood. You want to have muscles on your shit, and that way, nobody will mess with you”.

So if you want peace, prepare for war. But even so, there are a few rules of warfare that must be obeyed. Rule number one is “Never march on Moscow”. Rule number two is “Don’t invade Afghanistan”. Rule number three should be “Stay the hell out of wars in the Muddle East, no matter what happens”.

justin heywood9:19 pm 08 Sep 13

Mr Evil said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Mr Evil said :

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

I’m curious to know which intellectual paradise you would think of moving to?

That would be a country where everyone votes the same way as he does and is therefore intelligent and wise (or so the story goes in his head).

It takes a special kind of dumb arrogance to think that anyone whose politics doesn’t mirror your own is stupid.

Arts STUDENTS, that is. It’s quite normal to screw up a post after a bottle of nice old red wine…

Lots of arts feel this way. It’s quite normal when you’re not paying for things yourself.

LSWCHP said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Mr Evil said :

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

I understand that sentiment. But then I think of America, and realise that I’m much happier with the morons here that I understand, rather than those morons whose actions are gnerally incomprehensible.

“Let’s attack Syria and get involved in another Arab conflagration. It can only end well!”


As a former (potential) warrior I agree. There should be less shooting, not more. Having said that, we need to be prepared in case the excrement hits the impeller…

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Mr Evil said :

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

I understand that sentiment. But then I think of America, and realise that I’m much happier with the morons here that I understand, rather than those morons whose actions are gnerally incomprehensible.

“Let’s attack Syria and get involved in another Arab conflagration. It can only end well!”


CraigT said :

As I pointed out above – 50% of Liberal MPs follow Tony Abbott’s ideological, “science is crap” line. 0% of non-Liberal MPs deny reality.

That makes *you* the rusted-on supporter of a bunch of reality-denying ideologues.

I don’t think the science is necessarily crap. There is certainly an affect of human behaviour on the environment, and possibly a slight affect on climate.

I believe the predictions are mostly irresponsible hyperbole (you only need to look at the ridiculous things Tim Flannery claimed as recently as a few years ago), as well as opportunistically blaming every warm day, cyclone or flood on global warming.

The planet has been around a long, long time through many climate shifts. Sea levels and geography of the planet have changed constantly. It’s a normal pattern and humans are, thankfully, adaptable.

It’s ironic, albeit in a few hundred million years, that eventually a lack of CO2 in the atmosphere will kill everything on the planet.

Forgive me if I think cleaning up waterways, planting trees and so on will do more actual good for our environment than trading in fake carbon credits which will be ultimately rorted by overseas government.

CraigT said :

I also notice that you stared with “fundamentalist ideologues on the left side of politics” and then ended up talking about the ALP, which is a non-leftist political party.

A party heavily focused wealth redistribution, global warming (which also a front for wealth redistribution both in our economy and from our economy to poorer ones) and now gay marriage, I don’t see how you can call them “non-left”. In fact, much of the Green’s vote has been swallowed up by Labor for this reason (and the other half of the loss in the Green’s vote has gone to PUP as the “none of the above” vote the Greens would often get).

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Mr Evil said :

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

I’m curious to know which intellectual paradise you would think of moving to?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

What’s stopping you? You need these “morons” to pay the taxes you benefit from?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd2:37 pm 08 Sep 13

Mr Evil said :

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

I would love to move somewhere else than this country full of morons.

They look like a couple of Art School students – so they’re probably amongst the types that are very active on Facebook today bawling their eyes out and saying “Australians should be ashamed of themselves”/”I’m leaving Australia to move somewhere more caring”/”how could they do this”/”you’ll all be sorry”/”I’m ashamed to be an Australian today”/etc, etc, etc…..

c_c™ said :

Sad thing is they probably think they’re being very sophisticated and politically aware. Idiots.

I don’t support Tony Abbott, I deride his stance on any number of issues and his policy direction, and I think his way of thinking is often archaic. A nasty banner doesn’t actually say anything about those issue or contribute anything.

+1. Falls into the same category as ‘Ditch the witch/bitch’. What’s good for the goose etc.

Darkfalz said :

CraigT said :

Every scientific research organisation in the world says climate change is real.

How much is jacking up our electricity bills a bit more going to drop global temperatures again?

Another Murdoch dupe. Over the last 10 years, energy prices have increased something like 130%.
The carbon tax contributed 15% of that.
Prices are going up regardless, as energy corporations monopolise their stranglehold on resources and governments.
As for “dropping global temperatures”, it’s far too late for that – all we can do is attempt to limit the inevitable increase that is currently occurring due to the energy imbalance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing radiation.
Opponents of doing something to address this serious risk are stupid, greedy people who want to chart a course to disaster and population collapse, like the Easter Islanders did.
Much as the idea of Canberrans reduced to hunting and eating each other appeals to my inner misanthrope, I think it might really be best if we don’t collapse the Earth’s food chains.

justin heywood said :

CraigT said :

I’d say, Heywood, that your “experience” is in fact just more ideology.

..and I’d say that you’d be wrong Craig. Twenty years in western Queensland (rabid Nationals), five years environmental science at uni here (rabid Greens) and three years in the APS, (predominately Labor/Green). I do have some experience of political cultures, more than you I’d guess, and again I say that the further to the left you go the more dogmatic people are in their views. The same is probably true of the far right, but they tend to be a bit more splintered.

Many on the left appear to think that anyone voting Liberal has simply been duped by some great Alan Jones/Ray Hadley/Rupert Murdoch conspiracy. Why?
Because it’s easier to believe that than to admit that your team has become a rabble, and all but the rusted-on have abandoned them.

I don’t have a team myself, but if its the ALP you’re referring to as “a rabble”, that pretty much proves that you *are* a dupe of the Murdochracy: The ALP in government produced the most successful response in the world to the GFC and passed far more legislation that their predecessor government – a predecessor government that the IMF has tagged as having been the most profligate and economically incompetent in recent Australian history.

As I pointed out above – 50% of Liberal MPs follow Tony Abbott’s ideological, “science is crap” line. 0% of non-Liberal MPs deny reality.

That makes *you* the rusted-on supporter of a bunch of reality-denying ideologues.

I also notice that you stared with “fundamentalist ideologues on the left side of politics” and then ended up talking about the ALP, which is a non-leftist political party.
You wouldn’t fall for believing Rupert Murdoch when he tells you that anything that isn’t a hard-right fundamentalist is a “leftist”, would you?

CraigT said :

Every scientific research organisation in the world says climate change is real.

How much is jacking up our electricity bills a bit more going to drop global temperatures again? How many less cyclones per year will we have?

I was never a left wing nut like these two, but I voted for Beazley twice. If this is where GreensLabor is sourcing its next generation, good luck to them.

justin heywood7:45 pm 07 Sep 13

CraigT said :

I’d say, Heywood, that your “experience” is in fact just more ideology.

..and I’d say that you’d be wrong Craig. Twenty years in western Queensland (rabid Nationals), five years environmental science at uni here (rabid Greens) and three years in the APS, (predominately Labor/Green). I do have some experience of political cultures, more than you I’d guess, and again I say that the further to the left you go the more dogmatic people are in their views. The same is probably true of the far right, but they tend to be a bit more splintered.

Many on the left appear to think that anyone voting Liberal has simply been duped by some great Alan Jones/Ray Hadley/Rupert Murdoch conspiracy. Why?
Because it’s easier to believe that than to admit that your team has become a rabble, and all but the rusted-on have abandoned them.

c_c™ said :

I don’t support Tony Abbott, I deride his stance on any number of issues and his policy direction, and I think his way of thinking is often archaic. A nasty banner doesn’t actually say anything about those issue or contribute anything.

Yes, but they look like they are having fun.

Viva Pluralism! And Viva Fun!

justin heywood said :

CraigT said :

Darkfalz said :

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. .

Yes, because when you’re a fundamentlist ideologue, you will fantasise about murdering people who disagree with you.

In my experience, the fundamentalist ideologues are much more common on the left side of politics

Every scientific research organisation in the world says climate change is real.

Every Labour and Greens MP accepts this science.

50% of Liberal MPs deny the science, because their ideology tells them to.

I’d say, Heywood, that your “experience” is in fact just more ideology.

Sad thing is they probably think they’re being very sophisticated and politically aware. Idiots.

I don’t support Tony Abbott, I deride his stance on any number of issues and his policy direction, and I think his way of thinking is often archaic. A nasty banner doesn’t actually say anything about those issue or contribute anything.

Darkfalz said :

Jim Jones said :

Darkfalz said :

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. Once these two miscreants are out of their parent’s houses and into the real world, I suspect it won’t be long until they’re sitting outside Dickson Woolies holding different signs.

True. It’s well established that all young people who oppose conservatism are freeloaders who have never contributed to society and need to conform lest they become drug addicts and criminals.

There’s a fairly wide margin between opposing something and standing on the side of a road with a big sign calling someone a “wanker”.

And an even wider margin suggesting they should be run over because they were merely voicing their opinion of someone. Seriously, abbott is not the most popular leader ever. Acknowledge it and move on. I think if a poll was run, would you rather Abbott or another liberal member to be PM, it would overwhelmingly be for someone else. Most people are only voting liberal because they don’t like labor right now, after all thats what the coalitions policies have all been about, denouncing labor.

That said the thought of labor for another term or liberal doesn’t instil any confidence with me in the nation right now. Its all about creating issues for the public to worry about to win a vote, just like a Alan Jones radio program or Today Tonight/A Current Affair program about foreigners taking your jobs.

justin heywood1:44 pm 07 Sep 13

CraigT said :

Darkfalz said :

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. .

Yes, because when you’re a fundamentlist ideologue, you will fantasise about murdering people who disagree with you.

In my experience, the fundamentalist ideologues are much more common on the left side of politics

Darkfalz said :

There’s a fairly wide margin between opposing something and standing on the side of a road with a big sign calling someone a “wanker”.

You must have struggled to contain your outrage a couple of years ago when people were holding up big signs saying, “Ditch the Witch”.

Jim Jones said :

Darkfalz said :

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. Once these two miscreants are out of their parent’s houses and into the real world, I suspect it won’t be long until they’re sitting outside Dickson Woolies holding different signs.

True. It’s well established that all young people who oppose conservatism are freeloaders who have never contributed to society and need to conform lest they become drug addicts and criminals.

Yes, I’m sure their Bachelor of Arts majoring in Gender Imbalance in the Simpsons and a minor in Racism in Ancient Sumeria will ensure they get high paying and productive jobs.

“Would you like fries with that?”

Jim Jones said :

Darkfalz said :

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. Once these two miscreants are out of their parent’s houses and into the real world, I suspect it won’t be long until they’re sitting outside Dickson Woolies holding different signs.

True. It’s well established that all young people who oppose conservatism are freeloaders who have never contributed to society and need to conform lest they become drug addicts and criminals.

There’s a fairly wide margin between opposing something and standing on the side of a road with a big sign calling someone a “wanker”.

Darkfalz said :

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. .

Yes, because when you’re a fundamentlist ideologue, you will fantasise about murdering people who disagree with you.

Jim Jones said :

True. It’s well established that all young people who oppose conservatism are freeloaders who have never contributed to society and need to conform lest they become drug addicts and criminals.

There speaks the voice of experience, heed his sorry tale kiddies.

Darkfalz said :

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. Once these two miscreants are out of their parent’s houses and into the real world, I suspect it won’t be long until they’re sitting outside Dickson Woolies holding different signs.

True. It’s well established that all young people who oppose conservatism are freeloaders who have never contributed to society and need to conform lest they become drug addicts and criminals.

It should have added “Swerve left if you don’t”. Once these two miscreants are out of their parent’s houses and into the real world, I suspect it won’t be long until they’re sitting outside Dickson Woolies holding different signs.

Look like a couple of hipster uni students with too much time and ‘our’ money on their hands.

Get a job and start contributing to society!

rigseismic679:35 pm 06 Sep 13

Give me their details Asio will visit them soon
Mr Abott

Be even funnier when he’s PM…

fromthecapital said :

Is that the civic cycle loop they’re walking on?

Their “fixies” are just out of shot.

I wonder if The Australian Sex Party approves of this advertising to advocate the preferencing of The Liberals.

Any publicity is good publicity…

fromthecapital said :

Is that the civic cycle loop they’re walking on?

The outrage!!!

Good on ’em. It’s almost certainly not going to change any minds but I’m sure it was fun to do and it elicits a wry LOL, so good on ’em.

fromthecapital3:57 pm 06 Sep 13

Is that the civic cycle loop they’re walking on?

Thanks Pitchka, top bloke…

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