As with many recreational paintballers in the area, we know how hard it is to try and organise 20 or so of your friends to turn up for a day on the fields, just to have 10 people turn up when the day arrives. So on that note i’m extending the proverbial olive branch to those like minded people that may be keen on having a run once a month or so over the warmer (and sometimes cooler) months of the year.
The next time we’re planning on doing this would be on either the 13th or 14th of September..So if anyone is interested on coming along feel free to shoot me an email @ and also on that note, if anyone has connections with the owners of our local feilds we’d like to look into organising this as a regular happening to try and get more people interested in the sport, so if they would like to come on board with special prices for the regular participants…well that would be super!!
Happy Paintballing !! ant051.