I have this from two sources. The ACT’s Chief Police Officer, Audrey Fagan, is dead.
No further details at this time.
UPDATED: Radio reports on the ABC say it was while on holiday and “no suspicious circumstances”.
Further Update: Jon Stanhope has put out a media release which praises CPO Fagan but offers no insight into her demise. It’s early days but one begins to wonder about the dancing around the cause of death.
The AFP’s media release is now also available.
Another update: Mainstream media has finally caught up and a plethora of sources are on this story.
A thought: This is the same Queensland Police Force that can happily declare “no suspicious circumstances” when Aborigines are murdered in police cells. I don’t see how much short of a royal commission can be avoided here.
MORE: Simon Corbell got a media release online late last night it indicates that Deputy Chief Police Officer Shane Connelly will continue as Acting Chief Police Officer.
And again: The Canberra Times has bestirred itself to put the story on its website.
Big news: The SMH finally has some details:
“It is believed the mother-of-one died by hanging. Queensland police said there were no suspicious circumstances.
Yesterday, AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty would not confirm the death of the 26-year police veteran was a suicide. He said Ms Fagan had been burdened by media criticism of poor police media management, and recently undertook professional support for stress.
“Clearly, she felt the pressure of the campaign of the criticism over the last couple of weeks,” he said.”
Can anyone suggest a circumstance in which it is not either; suicide, or suspicious? I also note the serious boot being laid into the Canberra Times (and possibly us I suppose). I would suggest that if the CPO was tipped over the edge by a call for more media access then Mr Keelty needs to be looking seriously at the support and resources his organisation was providing her with. Either way there needs to be a major inquiry.
CT Overload: The Canberra Times is going wall to wall on this today. Most of the stories say the same thing over and over because, at the end of the day, very little is known. So there are stories here, here, here, and here.
More significantly the CT Editor in Chief, Jack Waterford has damned with faint praise before going on to defend his past criticisms.
Monday update: The Brisbane Times is claiming that two notes have been found.