Today’s Canberra Times is reporting that minister for everything Andrew Barr has ordered a review of ACT shopping hours. Apparently Andrew is not impressed with shops opening on Boxing Day and wants to introduce a NSW-style scheme where shops in the city centre open while those in the suburbs remain closed. The future of late night shopping is also on the table.
Trading hours were deregulated in 1997 and shops have tailored their hours to public demand. I like the idea of being able to shop when I want and not have the doors shut in my face at 4PM or 12 noon Saturday as we used to suffer a few years back.
Why has Barr done this? It sounds very much like making work for idle hands during the silly season. The last thing anybody wants is to go back to the bad old days when Joe De Bruyin and the SDA were calling the shots and had governments bowing and scraping at their feet.
As Stan Zemanek used to say “that’s my opinion and I welcome yours”.