In the tradition of JJJ’s Beat the Drum Competition, the ACT Democrats are bringing back the fun and the excitement in a new competition.
Being the underdogs, unlike the other parties we don’t have any money for expensive advertising. So lets do something different we decided. And while we’re at it, lets make this election campaign that hasn’t officially started yet some fun.
We need your help! Want to get involved! Help make your vote count!
The idea is you display the Australian Democrats logo, name or slogan in the most publicly visible, legal way possible, take a photo and send it to us.
The Australian Democrats slogans are:
Australian Democrats
Keep the bastards honest
Bring back Balance
Vote Vogt.
The day after the election a panel (whenever that might be) of not-so-expert but passionate judges will convene and judge the photo entries and award the prize an (IPOD Shuffle) and of course fame and fortune will be all yours!
The rules;
1. Don’t do any thing illegal
The ACT City Rangers have jurisdiction over public signage. Their
rules specify that:
I. Any posters stuck in the ground must use tomato stakes. No metal or star stakes may be used.
II. The maximum size of any posters is 900x1200cm, that is, not much larger than A0.
III. Posters may not be attached to any government property. This includes street lights, bridges and roundabouts.
IV. Posters may not be placed within 20m of any intersection.
V. No more than 20 posters may be exhibited by any one party in the ACT.
VI. Posters on the federal highways (Barton, Northbourne, etc) require specific permission (so don’t do it).
For more information also have a look at the AEC guidelines
2. Don’t do anything that is in bad taste. We are after funny and clever, not stupid or in bad taste.
3. Don’t hurt yourself or anyone else, please!
4. The ACT Democrats reserves the right to publish your photograph on its own website or other places on the internet as it deems appropriate. You will be acknowledged with your name and date of publication. Any photographs of illegal or bad taste will not be displayed. If necessary, photographs may be referred to the Federal Police in the event of illegal activity.
How to enter:
1. Go out there and put your sign in a good place. It can be permanent or temporary (see the rules above).
2. Simply take a digital photo of your entry.
3. email it to with your contact details (full name, mobile, home phone and email address).
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at