Beryl Women Inc. (formerly Beryl Women’s Refuge) will be celebrating its 40th birthday next year (yes – we’ve been operating in Canberra since 1975!), and is keen to have the history recorded in a book. We are particularly interested in telling our history through the experience of women who have been involved with the organisation as Clients, Staff and Collective and Committee members.
We invite you to participate in a brief survey, which you can access by clicking here – Beryl History Project survey. You can also download a .docx version from our website. We are also happy to arrange a time to interview participants in person or over the telephone.
You may choose to participate in this project anonymously.
Please pass on this invitation to any women you know who may be interested in being involved in the project.
If you have any questions about this project, please send an email to .
We would appreciate your response by Friday 3 October 2014.
Thank you for being part of Beryl’s journey. We look forward to hearing from you.