Labor MLA Joy Burch has had a go at Liberal MLA Vicki Dunne again over childcare.
As part of the ongoing deathmatch Burch accused the Liberals of trying to “quietly abandon their policy” on childcare.
She said:
“The alternative plan from the Opposition is to create one big childcare waiting list, a policy which families don’t want, the sector doesn’t want, and now – it appears – not even the Canberra Liberals want.”
“While I welcome the abandonment of bad policy, Mr Seselja needs to be honest with the community and reassure families that the Canberra Liberals will not be introducing a centralised waiting list if they win Government in 2012.”
However, a Liberal spokesperson promptly replied:
Talk about hysterical desperation.
Our policy remains unchanged.
Given Joy Burch allowed vulnerable children to be placed in accommodation with no hot water, no beds and broken glass on the floor and runs a Directorate which the Public Advocate said broke the law 24 times, she needs to get her priorities straight.
[ED – There doesn’t appear to be much love lost]