The Canberra Times reports on an astonishing outburst in the Legislative Assembly:
During an emotionally charged outburst yesterday, Mr Stanhope told the Legislative Assembly Mr Smyth was a “despicable little man” with a “dirty mind” who belonged in the gutter.
“He likes it there, down with the cigarette butts and the dog turds and the wasted life,” he said, after calling the MLA “Mr Slimeball from Tuggeranong”.
Aside from wondering what the people of Tuggeranong will make of some of the possible interpretations of the outburst let’s go back to what caused it.
While Leader of the Opposition Brendan was disappointingly soft on the fire issues. one question he did pursue was where the Chief Minister was the night before the fires when, as acting Minister for Emergency Services, he was unavailable for contact from his emergency services chief, Mike Castle.
Many people would think this was an entirely reasonable question to ask about the night before Duffy went up in flames. But our Chief Minister has for the last four years strenuously insisted it’s nobody’s business but his own.
In his outburst yesterday the Chief Minister seems to be alleging that Brendan Smyth has been insinuating that the unavailability was caused by some sort of extra-marital dalliance.
The Chief Minister has now set the record straight saying he was dining with no less than Magistrate Grant Lawler, and the Catholic priest Dermid McDermott.
Bill Stefaniak has asked with a sly innocence: “Why on earth wouldn’t he say that four years ago? I find it extraordinary that he didn’t just say what he was doing at the time”
I don’t suppose anyone caught the outburst on the Assembly’s web stream?
(Note to commenters: Please think long and hard about potential defamation suits, conducted against you as likely as us, before posting any new information on this matter)
UPDATED: Thanks to “captainwhorebags” for pointing out that the Liberals now have an image [Canberra Times] for their campaign posters.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Apparently Our Brave Leader has apologised to the people of Tuggeranong this morning on radio 666. And yet to date his website lacks any statement making such an apology (12.50pm).