My child has been in full time daycare for the past year in a centre in Belconnen. The care is good, nothing I can complain about, and the staff are friendly and stable.
The centre was sold to some people who owned other centres around Canberra and Sydney around mid 2008. During Jan 2009 we were hit with a $7 a day fee increase, I guess thats ok, expenses change but come next month we get another $11 a day increase.
I will soon be paying $82 a day for childcare. They gave justifications for the increase but they were pretty weak, not worth going into here.
I did a ring around to some other centres in Canberra, and I couldnt find another that charged over $80 a day, Does anyone else pay over $80 a day?
Who governs these centres, from my investigations they are a small business so they can do what they like.