The CT reports that Jon Stanhope has found another $2 million to rejuvenate the city centre which by his own admission has become “tired and weary” during his seven year rule.
The ALP also appears to be having trouble getting all the media releases they’re sending out onto their campaign media release page.
Mary Porter is very excited that Vicki Dunne has said nice things about her.
Andrew Barr is offering $15,000 bribes to school P&C bodies if they see Labor over the line.
Messrs Stanhope and Corbell are promising to set up 12 new community fire units if they’re returned to office.
John Hargreaves office is having a go at the Liberals in general and Steve Pratt in particular over not being sufficiently supportive of Canberra’s “multicultural groups”.
According to the Canberra Times Steve Pratt says the ACT has a “moral responsibility” to pay for upgrades to the Kings Highway (the road to the coast for most). He’s promising to announce how much we’ll spend on NSW road once all the numbers are in.
Meanwhile Jacqui Burke is having another poke at waiting times in Canberra emergency departments. She has new numbers showing they’re getting worse.
And Zed has realised that paying teachers more is going to cost a lot of money.
In the CT election blog Ben Davey asks where the Liberals are and what are they doing?
The ABC reports that Carers ACT have a wishlist and have assessed the parties. No word on the outcomes of these processes.
The Greens are letting us all know how well they did at the local government elections (I know the ALP was knocked down to minor party status in Kiama) and warning that they might be heading for major party status here.
And they’ve put online details of plans to green government with renewable energy and purchasing guidelines.