24 May 2024

BIRRARANGGA Film Festival | Kyindoo Wilam (Learning Place)

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Still from animated film Jarli showing a girl on a bicycle fashioned into a plane

Jarli (Chantelle Murray/Simon Rippingale, 2021)

All Ages

A place where children, teenagers and adults alike can gather to watch and learn, Kyindoo Wilam (Learning Place) offers a selection of animations and short films from across the world. Beautifully expressed with honesty and warmth, these stories highlight both the negative impact of colonisation and the profound strength of Indigenous peoples through connection to culture.

2021 | Unclassified | 8 mins | DCP | AUS | D: Chantelle Murray/Simon Rippingale

From directors Chanelle Murray (Bardi and Bunial) and Simon Rippingale, Jarli follows an adventurous Australian Aboriginal girl with dreams of heading to space. Jarli’s first two ingenious attempts to fly into the stratosphere result in grounded aircraft– but all is not lost.

2021 | Unclassified | 8 mins | DCP | AUS | D: Jake Duczynski
English, Roper Kriol

In this short film from Gomeroi and Mandandanji writer-director Jake Duczynski, a Ngalakgan woman from Ngukurr, Northern Territory, just wants to catch a nailfish at her favourite fishing spot, Wanmari. But her family are thwarting her plans.

Spirit Bear and Children Make History
2020 | Unclassified | 15 mins | DCP | USA | D: Amanda Strong

When Spirit Bear’s mom tells him about an important human rights case happening in Ottawa, Ontario, he makes the LONG trip (by train, his favourite way to travel) to go and watch, and to stand up for First Nations kids. This stop-motion animation directed by Michif animator Amanda Strong is the first Spirit Bear film.

2022 | Unclassified | 8 mins | DCP | AUS | D: Martumili Artists and Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa Rangers
English, Martu Wangka

Artists and rangers collaborate on Country to share knowledge, stories and artwork about waru (fire).

Heart Like a Pow Wow
2022 | Unclassified | 5 mins | DCP | CAN | D: Chief Lady Bird

An animated short directed by Chippewa and Potawatomi artist Chief Lady Bird and written by poet and musician Tara Williamson, which explores the depths of grief from an Anishinaabe perspective of love and family.

Soli Bula
2022 | Unclassified | DCP | FJ | D: Meli Tuqota Jr
iTaukei – English subtitles

On this auspicious day, a giant, double hulled canoe, called a ‘Drua’, is destined to be launched with full pomp and ceremony at sea. And in all the flurry, there is a man who, along with others, is lined up to be a human sacrifice for the Drua.

The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is proud to partner with BIRRARANGGA Film Festival, celebrating global Indigenous films that explore the curatorial themes of ‘strength, resilience and the environment’. View the full program

The details

What: Kyindoo Wilam (Learning Place): all ages short films
When: Sunday 23 June at 1pm
Where: NFSA (Arc Cinema)
Cost: $17–22; $13 Blak Tix; discounted 3-Film and 5-Film passes available. Book tickets

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