24 May 2024

BIRRARANGGA Film Festival | Opening Night: Bones of Crows

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Aerial still from Bones of Crows showing a small group on horseback on a plain

Bones of Crows (Marie Clements, 2022)

Unclassified 15+ | 124 Mins | 2022 | DCP | CAN | D: Marie Clements
English, Cree – English subtitles

Removed from their family home and forced into Canada’s residential school system, Cree musical prodigy Aline and her siblings are plunged into a struggle for survival. Bones of Crows is Aline’s journey from child to matriarch: a moving, multi-generational epic of resilience, survival and the pursuit of justice.

Preview short film: I Am Home
2021 | Unclassified | 2 mins 25 sec | DCP | USA | D: Kymon Greyhorse

A poetic memoir from Navajo, Tongan and 2Spirit filmmaker Kymon Greyhorse, I Am Home is a love letter that speaks of introspection, and what it means to rediscover who you are and cherish where you come from.

The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is proud to partner with BIRRARANGGA Film Festival, celebrating global Indigenous films that explore the curatorial themes of ‘strength, resilience and the environment’. View the full program

The details

What: Bones of Crows screening + I Am Home short film
When: Thursday 20 June at 6pm
Where: NFSA (Arc Cinema)
Cost: $17–22; $13 Blak Tix; discounted 3-Film and 5-Film passes available. Book tickets

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