The Darling Portrait Prize is Australia’s prestigious new annual prize for painted portraits, with iconic National Photographic Portrait Prize at the National Portrait Gallery. The winner for 2020 is Elizabeth by Anthea da Silva.
Anthea won the inaugural $75,000 Darling Portrait Prize with her painting of the ‘high priestess’ of Australian contemporary dance, Dr Elizabeth Cameron Dalman OAM.
The Judges noted the exceptional quality of entries, awarding High Commendations to Sibone Heary for her self-portrait, titled The In Between, David Darcy for his depiction of 86 year-old Hunter Valley farmer Wendy Bowman, and Sean Hutton for his portrait of installation artist Tamara Dean. Forty finalists were chosen for the exhibition.
When: Exhibition is open until Sunday 26 July 2020 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm daily.
Cost: Free
Bookings: Online