11 June 2024

For Our Future- an afternoon with artist Sharon Field

| Ginninderry
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The words "For Our Future" are in a large font slightly to the left, followed by "Join us for an afternoon with artist Sharon Field as we delve into the world of art and climate change". Above the text are the Ginninderry Conservation Trust & Sharon Field’s Logos. Along the bottom and to the right, are circles of various sizes and colours; one has a picture of Sharon drawing in a grassland, and another has an example of her artwork.

Join Ginninderry for an afternoon with artist Sharon Field. Image: supplied by Ginninderry Conservation Trust.

After Ginninderry’s successful event 3000 days… and counting… last year, there is opportunity to join artist Sharon Field once again to see how her artwork is progressing all while discussing how we can each take steps to reducing our impact on climate change.

3000 days started as a protest to accepting the inevitable and as a means of continuing the conversation, botanical artist Sharon Field set out to draw or paint one plant per day over the next 3000 days, the number of days between Earth Day 2022 and 2030. Further information on Sharon’s work can be found via Ginninderry.

The details

What: For Our Future- an afternoon with artist Sharon Field
When: Saturday 22 June, 2pm to 4pm
Where: The Link, 1 McClymont Way, Strathnairn
Cost: Entry is free, bookings essential.

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