The dreaded envelope under the wiper: no longer an add-on to the take-away bill, for now. Photo: File.
Your next take-away meal comes with free parking as part of ACT Government moves to support businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic restrictions.
The Government is relaxing parking limits in various areas of the city so Canberrans can collect take away food and services from local restaurants and cafes without worrying about copping a ticket.
Minister for Planning and Land Management Mick Gentleman said the government had responded to calls from the community to make it easier to pick up meals and the new arrangements would enable Canberrans to park for 15 minutes for free in restaurant and café precincts to collect takeaway food and drinks.
“This is a practical way we can make life a little easier for people during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have moved quickly to respond to a higher demand for short-term parking,” Mr Gentleman said.
“Signs will start going up in areas such as Braddon, Woden, Belconnen and Tuggeranong attached to the existing parking signs.
“It’s another way the ACT Government is working to support local jobs and businesses, particularly restaurants and cafes, as they diversify and adapt to social distancing requirements.”
He said Canberrans should arrange home delivery wherever possible, but if they must leave their homes to pick up essential items, practice physical distancing.
They are also not to gather in groups no greater than two people excluding other household members.
A growing number of businesses have also acquired free take-away liquor licences.
Minister for Business and Regulatory Services Gordon Ramsay said Access Canberra had provided 136 free three-month commercial liquor permits enabling businesses with an on-licence to provide takeaway alcohol.
“In addition, the team have supported 199 businesses through the new Business Liaison Line (6205 0900), providing compliance advice as well as information on how they may benefit from the ACT Government’s Economic Survival Package and advice on diversifying their services,” he said.
“We know businesses are doing it tough and we are continuing to look for ways we can provide support while also balancing community safety.”
Mr Ramsay said that to support safety and accessibility of parking in town and city centres, it was still important that all parking signs were obeyed.
Access Canberra inspectors would continue to enforce the rules around pedestrian crossings, illegal parking which may cause line of sight safety issues, disability parking bays and no stopping and loading zones.