The front page of the Canberra Times reports the the Federal Government has annouced more than $700,000 in funding to fix the five most dangerous black spots around Canberra.
More than $700,000 will be spent to fix the five most dangerous black spots on Canberra’s roads.
The locations, which were revealed at the weekend by the Sunday Canberra Times, have seen 317 crashes between them over the past five years.
The funding was announced by the Federal Government yesterday, with $713,105 invested directly into road and signage improvements at the five spots.
The five spots are:
- 1. The intersection of Drakeford, Isabella and Athllon drives, responsible for almost 60% of the crash recieves the least funding of just $32,675.
2. Mugga Lane and Long Gully Road intersection, which has seen 23 crashes over the past five years will reciev $245,250.
3. Anzac Parade and Blamey Crescent, responsible for 39 crashes, will receive $200,000 for new traffic lights
4. Ginninderra and Tillyard drives intersection, the location of 35 crashes, will receive $166,210 for signage and concrete island improvements.
5. The intersection between Belconnen Way and Springvale Drive at Hawker will receive $68,970 for better signage.
These are supposedly the top 5 black spots in Canberra. I can sure think of several other intersections that would top the list. But hey who is to mess with Gov’Ment stats.
Thoughts ?