Are there really that many bad parkers out there? Or is it the same few, constantly being photographed over and over again?
Spotted a dud park? Take a photo and send it to us at
Make sure you let us know what name you’d like to be credited as.
1. Claire sent us this wonderful example:
This person double-parked two of us at ANU the other day. Tried to get them booked but they were gone before security got to them.
2. Chas spotted the work of some scholars at UC.
A couple for your collection. Taken in a University of Canberra car park.
3. Holden Caulfield stumbled onto this one:
I snapped this one yesterday morning on Bunda Street, apologies for not sending it in sooner. To be fair the blue Ford was gone a few moments later, although there was nobody inside the car when I took the pic. Alas, the Toyota had its arse hanging outside the lines for some time.
4. Ryan sympathises:
Not driving up on the gutter is hard when there isn’t much space…
5. MsCheeky spotted this exclusive park:
This one at the very limited parking at Flute Bakery!
6. Stephanie didn’t actually spot this park herself, but has mined Facebook for gold and found this for us.
I found this gem on facebook, I removed names for privacy, up to you what to do with the face in the picture. (I am all for shaming 😛 )
I just love the ignorance of the ‘parker’ as shown in her comment
7. Martlark found us this little gem:
Here is another bad parking picture taken outside the Belconnen churches center.
8. Busbooster stopped boosting buses to snap this image:
I saw this poor fellow wandering about Cooleman Court on Tuesday, talking on his moby. Maybe he was confused about where he’d parked his car? Oh, that’s right, because he parked in in the MIDDLE OF THE FREAKING ROAD instead of in a legal parking place. That’s him right there getting back in…smile!
9. Mark has given us these gifts:
Firstly an old favourite with the Jamison disabled spots on Thursday and secondly in Suburbia up the road from me on Friday morning, a most excellent example – obviously an upwardly mobile NSW driver trying hard to be accepted as an ACT driver.
10. Porkhunt tailed this talented driver:
Hi RA team, spotted this piece of quality driving at the cnr of London and Constitution on my way home from work this afternoon. Not sure what category it fits as no bumper sticker nor parked.
11. Tim_C has gone above and beyond this week by allowing us access to his extensive archives of parking photos… Serious Tim sent us 38 pictures this week. 38. The bar has been raised and to celebrate, enjoy this slideshow of the Tim Collection.
38. Wow…