14 April 2012

Guy Pearce says sorry

| johnboy
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The Canberra Times have been gifted a letter from Guy Pearce’s management following his part on the half hour sustained sledge of Canberra dished up on international television earlier in the week.

I’m writing to sincerely apologise for the comments I recently made about Canberra on the USA talk show ‘Craig Ferguson’.

I’m such a twit for doing this and feel so embarrassed and mortified at what I said.

I regretted it as soon as I walked off the set. I stupidly ran with a joke which I took too far for no other reason than to get laughs and I know I’ve offended many Canberrans and Australians in general.

I feel horrible about myself for doing this and I’m truly very sorry.

The thing is, what I said doesn’t even reflect my true feelings. I actually really like Canberra, and in the few times I’ve been I’ve really enjoyed it and found it to be extremely beautiful, so I’m so sorry for being such a dickhead.

It goes on at some length.

Compare and contrast to

So @ajayrochester , now that Guy Pearce has made a pretty humble apology are you still proud? http://t.co/bUAmWAT8

— John Griffiths (@Griffiths_John) April 13, 2012

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American TV talk-show host Craig Ferguson has apologised for dissing Canberra on his program.

Speaking on The Late Late Show on United States network CBS on Thursday, Ferguson said he was horrified that “everyone in Australia is mad at me”.

farnarkler said :

He’s a Pom by birth. Why would he give a toss about what people think about what he thinks about Canberra?

All, the same those bloody Poms eh?!?!

He’s a Pom by birth. Why would he give a toss about what people think about what he thinks about Canberra?

I’d suggest that Mr Pearce’s agent read some criticism and decided that it would be a good idea to offer an apology.

Well; he’s upset a lot of people for his public statements on that show. Now he’s publicly apologised – at least publicly, he’s done the ‘right thing’ in response to his brain fart. I don’t agree that the motivation was from his manager, but even if it was, the public face is that he has apologised. Hell – we are big enough, as a city, to accept that, aren’t we?

As a society, we tell our children that if they do hurt, they need to apologise. When this is done in a public way, perhaps we should show what the ‘correct’ response to an apology is, rather than send the message that there is no way to correctly redeem oneself for an indescretion.

Ajay, on the other hand, seems more concerned with being “right”…

Girt_Hindrance9:02 am 15 Apr 12

I too accept this apology, and offer my own to Guy Pearce. I said some harsh things about him that I am sorry for.
Meanwhile, anyone else found themselves blocked from Ajay’s Twitterfeed?
“It was a Joke Ajay, and if you can’t take it, you’re more backwater-bred…”

Still waiting for a reply from Ajay *Le sigh*

sounds reasonable. self-deprecating enough without parody. what more does anyone want? we don’t have time machines yet to be able to go back and not have done it. move along…

GardeningGirl9:52 pm 14 Apr 12

Apology accepted from me too.

An apology is an apology, so thanks Guy, we will accept that.

If AJay had posted something on these lines on here website then the vitriol would not have flowed as it has.

Of course, you can’t win: if you don’t like Canberra then they (the critics) bag you out; if you love Canberra they bag you out. So stuff it, go enjoy your city.

Yeah, a few tv laughs, fair enough. Comedians hold a pretty free reign. Most of us know that. Or maybe some reaction means we’re a little defensive – maybe that’s not so bad either.

Overdone but amusing and heartfelt apology accepted.

As for the ubiquitous Andrew Barr’s comments applauding the audacious drag look, well that’s great, but in his previous act, I’m not sure he realised concrete and render doesn’t come off in a hurry.

Gungahlin Al1:31 pm 14 Apr 12

Interesting that on Rochester’s Twitter page the main photo (partially masked by the feed) shows a tattoo on her upper arm. Yet the avatar – with her sporting a sign saying “Love the skin you’re in” has the tattoo airbrushed out. Clearly not entirely comfortable with the skin she is in…

The man said sorry and called himself a d-head, I can accept that .. compared to the AJ exhibit he’s suitably redeemed.

Bramina said :

dundle said :

It’s too over the top, he’s just trying to save face

I’m not so sure. An apology of this magnitude is a very rare and act of public loss of face.

I don’t believe him for a second – I think his agent has a view to next year’s Canberra centenary and the possibility of a paid gig for Pearce a la Mia Freedman.

dundle said :

It’s too over the top, he’s just trying to save face

I’m not so sure. An apology of this magnitude is a very rare and act of public loss of face.

Ajay’s career is is progressing to such an extent that she should thank Jeebus she’s in LA, the home of the niche porn market. That medium is where she’ll next grace our screens, and she’ll be right at home as welfare fraud is valuable part of the CV in that part of ‘the industry’

He sounds genuinely apologetic and it would have taken guts to apologise publicly, so good on Guy for manning up.

Is there anything else to say, but…

Feel the power of Canberra!

I like Guy Pearce. I didn’t like him any less after the ‘incident’, but I think I like him even more after the apology.

It sounds pretty genuine, with the ‘I’m a dickhead’ and all.

But anyway, who really cares…

Clown Killer11:08 pm 13 Apr 12

To a degree, one wonders whether or not it’s a bit like the old family situation … You know what I mean, your wife (or girlfriend, boyfriend, mate etc.) can completely bag out on some lowlife relative, but if you so much as intimate that the same person is in fact a twat, then all hell is unleashed upon you.

That said, I don’t think that the fat fraudster that Guy was unfortunate enough to get lumped with should seek any comfort. The stupid and ugly stinking scrubber shouldn’t be fat-mouthing off about Canberra – she’s got worse things to worry about 🙂

Special G said :

Not good enough. I suggest RA have the Guy Pearce Award for those who stupidily and with no knowledge or experience bag out Canberra for no reason but to advance their own career or get a small, lame laugh.

For instance, Mr Pearce would be first to win the award.

Better to call it the Ajay. Don’t let the door hit you on your fat arse on the way out.

Got to be able to fit through the doorway for that to happen. She needs to do some serious fat-burning exercises for that ego of hers.

It’s big of Pearce to publicly apologise over a petty jibe made on live TV.

Ajay’s response, on the other hand, was feral.

I think it’d be very easy to get carried away with a poor joke or jokes… Hell, it is easy enough to get into knocking talk at a party… whether you ACTUALLY agree with it or not. At least Guy’s had the balls (albiet ping-pong balls) to admit his mistake. That show seems to have most of the humour stripped back to having a dig at all and sundry (including self-deprecating humour). Hardly befitting of a “King of Comedy”…

We are probably better off without visits from the kinds of people that’d be easily persuaded by that kind of “comedy”…

Not good enough. I suggest RA have the Guy Pearce Award for those who stupidily and with no knowledge or experience bag out Canberra for no reason but to advance their own career or get a small, lame laugh.

For instance, Mr Pearce would be first to win the award.

Better to call it the Ajay. Don’t let the door hit you on your fat arse on the way out.

Oh well, its good he apologised. He didnt have to.

Watching the clip I think he was struggling to deal with material to talk about, and went down a slippery slope that he couldnt get off.

The man said sorry, fair play to him.

I for one will accept this. I can see how you could get swept up in the moment, and when it’s happening on a TV spot I can imagine it might be hard to stop it as it gains momentum around you. No excuses, just “I f***ed up and I’m really sorry.” That’s as classy as an apology gets.

Well, at least he is showing a bit more class than that talentless welfare fraudster. She just doesn’t know when to quit.

What a great steaming pile of bull faeces.

It’s too over the top, he’s just trying to save face

Give the man a break!

Man’s got some class

My respect for Guy Pearce has recovered a little…

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