My children love their hockey, and this weekend sees the start of registrations for the winter season. It’s a fun sport for the kiddies, and the games are played at either Lyneham or Tuggeranong (for the 13 yo and up) and at Nicholls, Ainslie, Deakin, Chisholm, Queanbeyan and ANU for minkey to u11.
Registration is at Lyneham on Friday 15 February from 5pm until 8pm. Former Hockeyroo Peta Mackinnon will be running a ‘come and try’ session from 5pm-7pm.
Registration also at Tuggeranong (Soward Way, Greenway) on Saturday 16 February – from 10am until 2pm (my kids’ club), only a few other southside clubs will be present.
Come and give it a go!