What’s with the insane amount of traffic on Parkes Way, gridlock interchange, Commonwealth Ave (City to PH) and Adelaide Ave.
Is the traffic always this bad, or is it something to do with the PH (Parliament House)?
I get back into Canberra from Albury, come down the Barton highway, find out that the GDE going towards Tuggeranong is slothed out hardcore! Decide to go down Parkes Way towards the City, turn on to Commonwealth Ave and get slapped. Eventually get around the PH, get on to Adelaide Ave, see no cars momentarily and think “yeah this is great’. Not far after the lodge, traffic is fuct again. Get into Woden, traffic going Yamba is screwed, traffic heading out the right-hand turn onto Hindmarsh is screwed.
From turning right on to the GDE from the Barton Highway to my home in Tuggeranong, it took 1 hours and 30 minutes. This was at 5:45 or something. Peek hour of course, but is it always so bad?