There will be an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the care and supervision of an Alexander Maconochie Centre detainee following his death in custody today because of particular sensitivities surrounding the individual.
ACT Policing Criminal Investigations are investigating the death of the 25-year-old male detainee at the Alexander Maconochie Centre earlier today.
The male detainee was found dead at 11.30am.
Police are investigating the case as a death in custody and a coronial inquest will be held.
ACT Corrections Minister Shane Rattenbury said this afternoon that next of kin had been notified and that the person’s name would not be released at this time.
“On behalf of the ACT Government, I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the individual,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“This will be a difficult time for them and I ask that you respect their privacy.”
Mr Rattenbury said any death in custody was a tragedy and of deepest concern, but that given the particular sensitivities surrounding this individual, he would be launching an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the care and supervision of the detainee during their period of incarceration.
“The terms of reference are currently being considered and I intend to provide further details next week,” Mr Rattenbury said.
The Minister said the detainee’s death was discovered when a fellow detainee notified Corrective Services staff that they were concerned about the health of a detainee.
Mr Rattenbury said he had been advised that no disturbances were reported around the time of the incident.