…at the Pinnacle nature reserve.
As a regular denizen of the Pinnacle, I walk there at least three times a week, I have been amazed at the tenacity of Environment ACT.
To the best of my knowledge in this year alone, they have ..
a) Given the bunnies diseases, with the chilling proviso; “dead rabbits will be left on the ground in order to try and spread the disease.”
b) Poisoned the bunnies with “pindone”; chilling proviso as above.
c) Crushed the bunnies to death, using bulldozers to run over their warrens.
d) Shot the bunnies at night; “be warned do not walk in the shooting areas!” (No shit Sherlock)
But the bunnies are still there, in greater numbers than ever it would seem. Should we offer a bounty on them?