Katy Gallagher is supporting a Coalition moves to review the GST as part of a wider tax assessment, despite not actually being a part of the Coalition reports ABC News.
This is brilliant. This is fantastic. I make fun of politicians a lot on this site, but here is one doing the right thing.
I’m not saying the GST needs another look, I’m not saying it doesn’t either. I have no idea, it’s way out of my field of expertise.
What is fantastic is this is one of those rare moments when a politician remembers that they are a public servant and is deciding to act in what they believe is the public’s best interests instead of supporting their party like politics is some kind of bizarre and super lame team sport.
Well done Katy Gallagher.
If elected in September, the Coalition will commission a white paper on tax which could include the GST.
But federal Labor opposes raising the tax rate and has accused the Opposition of wanting to lift it.
Ms Gallagher says the tax needs another look.
“I understand it’s difficult to have a conversation about it particularly in the lead-up to an election but any rational look at this, and look at the Australian taxation system, would at least have the discussion around the GST not necessarily whether you increase it or change it but have it as part of that discussion,” she said.
But Ms Gallagher concedes she is out of step with federal Labor.
“I’m not trying to undermine anything and you know I’ll leave those matters for the Federal Government and the Federal Opposition,” she said.
“I’m coming from it from the point of the Chief Minister of the ACT and I think it’s fair and reasonable that at times we will have different opinions to that of a federal government.”