19 April 2016

Katy Gallagher - Her time in the sun

| John Hargreaves
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As a former colleague of Katy Gallagher and Andrew Barr, I was asked what it was about Katy’s reign as Chief Minister which made it so good (in the opinion of the questioner).

I guess the word I used is apt. It was “stability”. In my time and in the past two years by my observance, the ship of state has sailed largely on without too much in the way of storms.

Sure, there have been issues. The light rail is one, the emergency department numbers (perennial) is another. I’m sure the anti-Laborites out there will come up with a few. Bullying in the hospital is often trotted out but I don’t know if that one resonates.

The point I made, and I think it is right, is that Katy’s style was one of a considered and measured Chief. She was a team player who consulted. And she was not a show pony.

One of the criticisms of her predecessor was that he was showy. His detractors said he was arrogant and aggressive. Maybe so, maybe not. But this has never been levelled at Katy.

Kate Carnell was regarded as a show pony and it was said that the most dangerous place to be was between Kate and a camera. Maybe or maybe not. Again, though, this was not levelled at Katy.

She was indeed, the quiet achiever. The improvements in the hospital over many years are down to her. The birthing centre, walk-in clinics, the hospital infrastructure redevelopments, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital are all of Katy’s making and we are the richer for it. The Calvary Hospital issue was a storm in a teacup and mostly hyperbole.

The salacious stuff attributing a connection with the data issue was seen to be what it was. Katy actually did the right thing with that one and was applauded for it.

But she did a lot of smaller things which often went unnoticed. They weren’t really that small. I remember the national ripple effect of our industrial manslaughter laws, pioneered by Katy.

I served in the Assembly during the tenure of four chief ministers and Katy is the one I will remember with affection.

Tall Poppy harvesters! Do your best, but you can’t change history. Canberra loved Katy and you can’t change that. They will continue to love her in the Senate. Katy vs Zed… a game to watch!

On the question of whether her leaving will make it harder for Labor to win the next election, I believe it will. Andrew Barr has to carve out his own niche. However, we must all remember the old political adage: “Oppositions don’t win elections, Governments lose them.”

Tony Abbott did a brilliant job of helping Rudd/Gillard/Rudd lose the federal election. He had a strategy to help them out of office and employed it for a whole term. I don’t see this happening in the Assembly. The Opposition hasn’t really laid a glove on Katy’s team in the past two years.

Let’s see if they can lift their game and help Andrew Barr lose the next election. I don’t think they’re up to it. It will take more than Jeremy Hanson raising the same old stuff and Alistair Coe going off about the light rail and potholes to win the election.

If they’re hoping the light rail will win it for them, it shows up a political laziness. Bring on the contest I say cos it has been boring to date.

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rommeldog56 said :

John Hargreaves said :

It is recognised across the Finance ministers of this country and the OECD, that the ACT faired best during the GFC. There was no panic, there was no belt tightening leading to a recession, but there was injection into the private sector and government spending to ride it out, and ride it out we did.

Interesting that Dungfungus et al, have such a negative outlook that they collect kindling to set fire to the straw monster they create. There is no gracious acceptance that someone actually did a good job.

And this CM increased the number of Labor people in the Assembly after the scare campaign of “Time for a Change” merchants. She still once the confidence of the Green member (Zed could have out bid Katy but didn’t).

Suck it up! Katy was good for this town and no amount of mud slinging from the intellectually challenged can change history.

And my keyboard was not broken, I actually have a life outside my PC… not like some others.

So, John, “Katy (Gallagher) was good for this town” : You must have been asleep when the ACT Territory budget deficite was announced to be m$537 for the current year ? :


Add to that up to m$500-$600 for Mr Fluffy + Light Rail impact of m$75-100 pa minimum (my estimate) in a few years for the next 20yrs or so + unfunded ACT public servants superannuation liability, etc, then yes, I agree with you that Katy Gallagher was good for the ACT ! Its looking good…….

I wonder just how safe John’s pension is?
Oh, that’s right, he took a lump sum didn’t he.
More of that amazing intuition.

John Hargreaves said :

It is recognised across the Finance ministers of this country and the OECD, that the ACT faired best during the GFC. There was no panic, there was no belt tightening leading to a recession, but there was injection into the private sector and government spending to ride it out, and ride it out we did.

Interesting that Dungfungus et al, have such a negative outlook that they collect kindling to set fire to the straw monster they create. There is no gracious acceptance that someone actually did a good job.

And this CM increased the number of Labor people in the Assembly after the scare campaign of “Time for a Change” merchants. She still once the confidence of the Green member (Zed could have out bid Katy but didn’t).

Suck it up! Katy was good for this town and no amount of mud slinging from the intellectually challenged can change history.

And my keyboard was not broken, I actually have a life outside my PC… not like some others.

So, John, “Katy (Gallagher) was good for this town” : You must have been asleep when the ACT Territory budget deficite was announced to be m$537 for the current year ? :


Add to that up to m$500-$600 for Mr Fluffy + Light Rail impact of m$75-100 pa minimum (my estimate) in a few years for the next 20yrs or so + unfunded ACT public servants superannuation liability, etc, then yes, I agree with you that Katy Gallagher was good for the ACT ! Its looking good…….

I posted recently on others threads that there were likely to be shortfalls in the ACT Public Service pension fund but never in my wildest dreams could I believe what was revealed in the Canberra Times today http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/auditorgeneral-warns-of-significant-risks-to-the-act-budget-as-deficit-balloons-20141219-12asj6.html
I also suggested that Katy Gallagher’s baggage was still in transit – well, it appears to have just turned up but will she claim it?
This unfunded super shortfall of $4.46 BILLION equates to about a liability of $15,000 for every person in the ACT (my maths could be wrong). For a government as small as ours this is scandalous.
An enquiry is needed now on how this could happen. Who is “managing” this disaster for a start?
Andrew Barr simply shrugs and says we still have our AAA credit rating.
I think we are facing a perilous financial situation in the Territory. I now understand why the Canberra Liberals appear not keen on winning the next election.
BTW, perfect timing to release bad news (5 days before Christmas). How long has the government been sitting on this report?

John Hargreaves said :

It is recognised across the Finance ministers of this country and the OECD, that the ACT faired best during the GFC. There was no panic, there was no belt tightening leading to a recession, but there was injection into the private sector and government spending to ride it out, and ride it out we did.

Interesting that Dungfungus et al, have such a negative outlook that they collect kindling to set fire to the straw monster they create. There is no gracious acceptance that someone actually did a good job.

And this CM increased the number of Labor people in the Assembly after the scare campaign of “Time for a Change” merchants. She still once the confidence of the Green member (Zed could have out bid Katy but didn’t).

Suck it up! Katy was good for this town and no amount of mud slinging from the intellectually challenged can change history.

And my keyboard was not broken, I actually have a life outside my PC… not like some others.

Probably the biggest handouts (injections) were to the NGA (several half million dollar grants for special events) and the Brumbies ($2.2 million last year alone). I suppose this could be imagined as the private sector to John and his colleagues. There were also a lot of “lethal” injections into the private sector.
John equates “riding it out” with “doing a good job”.
I give credit where credit is due John.

John Hargreaves10:10 am 19 Dec 14

It is recognised across the Finance ministers of this country and the OECD, that the ACT faired best during the GFC. There was no panic, there was no belt tightening leading to a recession, but there was injection into the private sector and government spending to ride it out, and ride it out we did.

Interesting that Dungfungus et al, have such a negative outlook that they collect kindling to set fire to the straw monster they create. There is no gracious acceptance that someone actually did a good job.

And this CM increased the number of Labor people in the Assembly after the scare campaign of “Time for a Change” merchants. She still once the confidence of the Green member (Zed could have out bid Katy but didn’t).

Suck it up! Katy was good for this town and no amount of mud slinging from the intellectually challenged can change history.

And my keyboard was not broken, I actually have a life outside my PC… not like some others.

TFarquahar said :

dungfungus said :

dungfungus said :

John Hargreaves said :

rommeldog56 said :

My thinks you are looking through rose coloured glasses there, John. You are entitled to your opinion – here is a repost of my view :

How will the reign of Katy Gallagher as Chief Minister of the ACT be viewed by History? What will be her Legacy?

Granted, what one person sees as a positive, another may see as a negative depending on how it affects them and whether they can see (or they care about) all the benefits, negatives and costs.

On the positive side that I can see, Katy Gallagher gets ticks for:

Being a good leader. Projection of “self” is great and is a vocal advocate for the ACT.
Determined and hard working.
The ACT public school system – I think its great.

From my viewpoint, these are what I see as the negatives – how Katy Gallagher will leave the ACT:

The mess the ACT public hospital system appears to be in.
Continual degradation of municipal services.
What seems to be a looming debacle over the ACT Govt rules for Mr fluffy buy back/compo.
Up to tripling of Annual Rates.
Unnecessary Light Rail (at least at this point in time).
Many more MLAs and associated cost to Ratepayers.
ACT budget deeply in the red and getting much worse.
Blow outs in infrastructure project costs.
More Public Private Partnerships creating a fiscal drain on a comparatively small but well heeled revenue raising base for decades to come.

Though I respect that others may have a different view, if u cut through the plish and the spin, I for one don’t think there is much left. Oh, and she is also a vocal advocate of increasing the GST mno doubt to help get the ACT budget of of the mess that so many years of Labor has created.

In my view, I think its a pretty lob sided scoreboard.

Interesting take on things. But what about the industrial manslaughter laws, what about the Women’s’ and Children’s’ Hospital? What about the weathering of the GFC? To name just a few….

My take is based on serving with her for over a decade and listening to people in the areas I circulate in (and they don’t always include Laborites).

“What about the weathering of the GFC?”
Please give details of this accomplishment.

John’s keyboard is broken again so has anyone else got the details I am seeking?

Dungfungus, in John’s world if you say it, it is true. Katie single handedly stared down the GFC. There is said, it must be true right John?

You are right of course. It was a bit rash of me to doubt the great sage.

dungfungus said :

dungfungus said :

John Hargreaves said :

rommeldog56 said :

My thinks you are looking through rose coloured glasses there, John. You are entitled to your opinion – here is a repost of my view :

How will the reign of Katy Gallagher as Chief Minister of the ACT be viewed by History? What will be her Legacy?

Granted, what one person sees as a positive, another may see as a negative depending on how it affects them and whether they can see (or they care about) all the benefits, negatives and costs.

On the positive side that I can see, Katy Gallagher gets ticks for:

Being a good leader. Projection of “self” is great and is a vocal advocate for the ACT.
Determined and hard working.
The ACT public school system – I think its great.

From my viewpoint, these are what I see as the negatives – how Katy Gallagher will leave the ACT:

The mess the ACT public hospital system appears to be in.
Continual degradation of municipal services.
What seems to be a looming debacle over the ACT Govt rules for Mr fluffy buy back/compo.
Up to tripling of Annual Rates.
Unnecessary Light Rail (at least at this point in time).
Many more MLAs and associated cost to Ratepayers.
ACT budget deeply in the red and getting much worse.
Blow outs in infrastructure project costs.
More Public Private Partnerships creating a fiscal drain on a comparatively small but well heeled revenue raising base for decades to come.

Though I respect that others may have a different view, if u cut through the plish and the spin, I for one don’t think there is much left. Oh, and she is also a vocal advocate of increasing the GST mno doubt to help get the ACT budget of of the mess that so many years of Labor has created.

In my view, I think its a pretty lob sided scoreboard.

Interesting take on things. But what about the industrial manslaughter laws, what about the Women’s’ and Children’s’ Hospital? What about the weathering of the GFC? To name just a few….

My take is based on serving with her for over a decade and listening to people in the areas I circulate in (and they don’t always include Laborites).

“What about the weathering of the GFC?”
Please give details of this accomplishment.

John’s keyboard is broken again so has anyone else got the details I am seeking?

Dungfungus, in John’s world if you say it, it is true. Katie single handedly stared down the GFC. There is said, it must be true right John?

dungfungus said :

John Hargreaves said :

rommeldog56 said :

My thinks you are looking through rose coloured glasses there, John. You are entitled to your opinion – here is a repost of my view :

How will the reign of Katy Gallagher as Chief Minister of the ACT be viewed by History? What will be her Legacy?

Granted, what one person sees as a positive, another may see as a negative depending on how it affects them and whether they can see (or they care about) all the benefits, negatives and costs.

On the positive side that I can see, Katy Gallagher gets ticks for:

Being a good leader. Projection of “self” is great and is a vocal advocate for the ACT.
Determined and hard working.
The ACT public school system – I think its great.

From my viewpoint, these are what I see as the negatives – how Katy Gallagher will leave the ACT:

The mess the ACT public hospital system appears to be in.
Continual degradation of municipal services.
What seems to be a looming debacle over the ACT Govt rules for Mr fluffy buy back/compo.
Up to tripling of Annual Rates.
Unnecessary Light Rail (at least at this point in time).
Many more MLAs and associated cost to Ratepayers.
ACT budget deeply in the red and getting much worse.
Blow outs in infrastructure project costs.
More Public Private Partnerships creating a fiscal drain on a comparatively small but well heeled revenue raising base for decades to come.

Though I respect that others may have a different view, if u cut through the plish and the spin, I for one don’t think there is much left. Oh, and she is also a vocal advocate of increasing the GST mno doubt to help get the ACT budget of of the mess that so many years of Labor has created.

In my view, I think its a pretty lob sided scoreboard.

Interesting take on things. But what about the industrial manslaughter laws, what about the Women’s’ and Children’s’ Hospital? What about the weathering of the GFC? To name just a few….

My take is based on serving with her for over a decade and listening to people in the areas I circulate in (and they don’t always include Laborites).

“What about the weathering of the GFC?”
Please give details of this accomplishment.

John’s keyboard is broken again so has anyone else got the details I am seeking?

John Hargreaves said :

rommeldog56 said :

My thinks you are looking through rose coloured glasses there, John. You are entitled to your opinion – here is a repost of my view :

How will the reign of Katy Gallagher as Chief Minister of the ACT be viewed by History? What will be her Legacy?

Granted, what one person sees as a positive, another may see as a negative depending on how it affects them and whether they can see (or they care about) all the benefits, negatives and costs.

On the positive side that I can see, Katy Gallagher gets ticks for:

Being a good leader. Projection of “self” is great and is a vocal advocate for the ACT.
Determined and hard working.
The ACT public school system – I think its great.

From my viewpoint, these are what I see as the negatives – how Katy Gallagher will leave the ACT:

The mess the ACT public hospital system appears to be in.
Continual degradation of municipal services.
What seems to be a looming debacle over the ACT Govt rules for Mr fluffy buy back/compo.
Up to tripling of Annual Rates.
Unnecessary Light Rail (at least at this point in time).
Many more MLAs and associated cost to Ratepayers.
ACT budget deeply in the red and getting much worse.
Blow outs in infrastructure project costs.
More Public Private Partnerships creating a fiscal drain on a comparatively small but well heeled revenue raising base for decades to come.

Though I respect that others may have a different view, if u cut through the plish and the spin, I for one don’t think there is much left. Oh, and she is also a vocal advocate of increasing the GST mno doubt to help get the ACT budget of of the mess that so many years of Labor has created.

In my view, I think its a pretty lob sided scoreboard.

Interesting take on things. But what about the industrial manslaughter laws, what about the Women’s’ and Children’s’ Hospital? What about the weathering of the GFC? To name just a few….

My take is based on serving with her for over a decade and listening to people in the areas I circulate in (and they don’t always include Laborites).

“What about the weathering of the GFC?”
Please give details of this accomplishment.

John Hargreaves10:07 am 17 Dec 14

rommeldog56 said :

My thinks you are looking through rose coloured glasses there, John. You are entitled to your opinion – here is a repost of my view :

How will the reign of Katy Gallagher as Chief Minister of the ACT be viewed by History? What will be her Legacy?

Granted, what one person sees as a positive, another may see as a negative depending on how it affects them and whether they can see (or they care about) all the benefits, negatives and costs.

On the positive side that I can see, Katy Gallagher gets ticks for:

Being a good leader. Projection of “self” is great and is a vocal advocate for the ACT.
Determined and hard working.
The ACT public school system – I think its great.

From my viewpoint, these are what I see as the negatives – how Katy Gallagher will leave the ACT:

The mess the ACT public hospital system appears to be in.
Continual degradation of municipal services.
What seems to be a looming debacle over the ACT Govt rules for Mr fluffy buy back/compo.
Up to tripling of Annual Rates.
Unnecessary Light Rail (at least at this point in time).
Many more MLAs and associated cost to Ratepayers.
ACT budget deeply in the red and getting much worse.
Blow outs in infrastructure project costs.
More Public Private Partnerships creating a fiscal drain on a comparatively small but well heeled revenue raising base for decades to come.

Though I respect that others may have a different view, if u cut through the plish and the spin, I for one don’t think there is much left. Oh, and she is also a vocal advocate of increasing the GST mno doubt to help get the ACT budget of of the mess that so many years of Labor has created.

In my view, I think its a pretty lob sided scoreboard.

Interesting take on things. But what about the industrial manslaughter laws, what about the Women’s’ and Children’s’ Hospital? What about the weathering of the GFC? To name just a few….

My take is based on serving with her for over a decade and listening to people in the areas I circulate in (and they don’t always include Laborites).

My thinks you are looking through rose coloured glasses there, John. You are entitled to your opinion – here is a repost of my view :

How will the reign of Katy Gallagher as Chief Minister of the ACT be viewed by History? What will be her Legacy?

Granted, what one person sees as a positive, another may see as a negative depending on how it affects them and whether they can see (or they care about) all the benefits, negatives and costs.

On the positive side that I can see, Katy Gallagher gets ticks for:

Being a good leader. Projection of “self” is great and is a vocal advocate for the ACT.
Determined and hard working.
The ACT public school system – I think its great.

From my viewpoint, these are what I see as the negatives – how Katy Gallagher will leave the ACT:

The mess the ACT public hospital system appears to be in.
Continual degradation of municipal services.
What seems to be a looming debacle over the ACT Govt rules for Mr fluffy buy back/compo.
Up to tripling of Annual Rates.
Unnecessary Light Rail (at least at this point in time).
Many more MLAs and associated cost to Ratepayers.
ACT budget deeply in the red and getting much worse.
Blow outs in infrastructure project costs.
More Public Private Partnerships creating a fiscal drain on a comparatively small but well heeled revenue raising base for decades to come.

Though I respect that others may have a different view, if u cut through the plish and the spin, I for one don’t think there is much left. Oh, and she is also a vocal advocate of increasing the GST mno doubt to help get the ACT budget of of the mess that so many years of Labor has created. In my view, I think its a pretty lob sided scoreboard.

“If they’re hoping the light rail will win it for them, it shows up a political laziness. Bring on the contest I say cos it has been boring to date.”

Light rail is only the tip of the iceberg Mr Hargreaves. How about the Mr Fluffy farce? Or the needle exchange in the Hume Hilton? Or the sh#thouse health system? Or grass not being mowed? Or roads not being fixed?

Labor have been in power for too long and are making decisions on whims, not what is for the betterment of Canberra or the Canberra community. Unfortunately they will expect the Canberra community to keep re-electing them when they need to remember that they have only got into power the last two elections through their alignment with the Greens. Hopefully the people of Canberra will now realise that a vote for the Greens is really a vote for Labor and will not result in the changes this town desperately needs.

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