So my meal cost more than $10 and it doesn’t look that hot in photo form, but don’t let that put you off. Kudos Taste was great.
On an island in the middle of Canberra House, lacking any noticeable sign (I had to stare check their menu to find out the name of the place), a super polite Japanese couple are making some rather tasty food. It’s nice to find a place that does a good Japanese lunch that isn’t just sushi rolls.
I ordered the tofu steak. I got tofu cubes. I also received a small collection of various things, and I’m not sure what all of them were. The spinach and the tomato are easily identified. The rice too is fairly obvious. After that though, everything was an adventure.
I got a small mound of something that tasted like a much tastier version of cold mash potato (nice), some vegetables of unknown origin (good), and what appeared to be a noose made out of noodles and marinated in soy (this was the best).
The tofu was great too.
Nothing absolutely amazing (other than the noodle noose, seriously that thing was a flavour explosion) but all solid tasty food, and just enough of it to fill me up.
It was cheap, quick, and the man who served me yelled “Hai” at the end of everything I said and I am going to go back tomorrow to try something else.
(For more sub $10 lunches check the tag, if you’ve got recommendations let us know.)
[Photo Courtesy of Andrew Galan]