Months late and after 5pm on a long weekend Friday the 12 August Summary of Cabinet Outcomes slithered onto the internet as part of “Open Government”.
It’s the usual opaque document hinting at decisions without detailing them.
But it did have one unusually direct statement:
Land Rent Amendment Bill 2013
Cabinet agreed the Land Rent Amendment Bill 2013 and to it being introduced in the Legislative Assembly in the August 2013 sitting. This Bill seeks to retarget the Land Rent Scheme to those who satisfy a revised eligibility criteria. The decision to retarget the Scheme was an outcome of the 2013-14 Budget, and will come into effect for all land rent leases entered into or after 1 October 2013. The Bill, Human Rights Memorandum and Explanatory Statement will be available on the Legislative Assembly website, following tabling in the Legislative Assembly.
Also Ms Adrianna Clarke and Ms Ashlea Arulanandam have been appointed to the Youth Advisory Council.