3 November 2006

Last chance to make school-saving submissions

| Kerces
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The ACT Government’s consultation procedure about the planned school closures end today.

If you’ve got something you think is really important they should know about your school but haven’t got organised enough to put it on paper yet, this is your last chance to do so.

A final decision on the closures is expected in December.

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Today’s CT -[ED – please use links or put them at the end of the comment] – states that the submissions date has been extended until Dec 6th – a week before the announcements are made.

In the article, there is “possible talk” of Copland being closed as opposed to Dickson.

I just read the AEU’s submission.

63 pages long.

Should keep Barr’s underlings reading and researching for a while.

I am impressed by the Chifley submission.

Well done.

The inside goss I have from ALP contacts is that they’re going to favour schools who have a business partnership, thereby reducing govt funding needs for public education. Bring on the McDonalds sponsorship of tuckshops!

If you want to read the Chifley primary school submission, it’s on the website for download:

I have a problem with their “the school numbers are low” as their rationale for closing schools when 2 years later (2010), there are a few schools, which will stay open, who will have lower numbers than the ones closing now.

I put in a submission too.

I put one in too.
I agree with Tharwa and Hall – on geographic and historic grounds.
Problem is I suspect there are good cases to be made for most of the schools on the list.
I think they will have a good look at the submissions – basically it is making their job easier by doing groundwork they should have done before announcing their plans, and will stop them from making any real clangers with an issue they hadn’t thought of being spelled out to them in a submission. I’m sure there’ll be a few schools that are saved, but I don’t know how many or which ones.

Sentimental favourite: Kambah High (also keeping at least one of the Kambah primaries). Kambah has been targeted most unfairly and disproportionately in this sucky 2020 proposal, in spite of the recent baby boom figures!

Lol, a final chance for the public to vent their anger whilst being absolutely and categorically ignored ?

The real place people will be telling the government about their thoughts of the school closures will always be at the polling booth.

I put a sub in.

Gilmore Pre and Primary should never have been on the list for closure. Cost per student is less than average, has better community support (95% based on a doorknock survey of 80% of homes in its PEA) than others in its cluster and it has 270 odd kids (read: 270 local families)! It should stay.

I also personally think Tharwa and Hall should stay on geographic grounds.

The question is: do we have faith in this government process?

Jazz, I’ll check. Hubby’s moved my transfer round papers. If they are advertised and the schools close, then it will cause yet another logistical nightmare re: staffing as well as the student element.

Who knows what will happen really – I suspect even Andrew B/Jon S aren’t sure at this stage. I was really only speculating based on media I’ve seen (a lot of which is the northside chronicle, so biased to the northside.). Here’s hoping some sort of sane criteria are used to decide.

Hope not Seepi, We put our submission in with well argued points and good substantive reasons why the axe should be spared. Hopefully the fact that some schools made more ‘noise’ will count for little if they don’t have a good case against closure. That’s a big “hopefully”.

I think – all the preschools will be closed.
I think some schools will be saved.
Going on the publicity/outcry levels the saved schools may be:
Cook, Giralang and Chifley primary.
Dickson College.

nyssa, didnt they all advertise for positions? just in case they weren’t closing

Given the poor strategic planning etc all will close for the 2006 dates.

Then again, I’ll check the staffing round for primary and preschools and see which schools advertised positions which are meant to close this year.

Anyone care to speculate on how many of the slated closures will be saved?

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