Donatella is three years old, all white and 44 kgs (a big broad looking dog.) and has been missing from farm property on Yass River Road, NSW since Tuesday 5th April 2011.
Her microchip number id 900006000021563 (it’s a challenge to find with her heavy coat, but is on her right hand side ribcage)
Maremma are not ‘hunting’ dogs and will not harm farm stock.
The pattern of sightings suggest Dona has possibly ‘moved in’ with a flock of sheep or goats, or even cattle, and she will not have any problem hiding out with farm stock in an open paddock. Dona responds to her name and is not at all aggressive, but as a working dog she has been minimally socialised.
Maremma are instinctively aloof and do not follow vocal commands-this is what makes them excellent stock guardians, but very frustrating to manage.
As she seems to be on the fringes of the ACT –please if a dog like this appears in your yard-shut the gate-if she can be contained in a yard or small area- please contact TAMS 62072888 so they can catch her. In NSW please contact Yass Ranger on 6226 1477
Please please PLEASE if you have any information, or see her contact
Carole (owner) 0402158917, 6240 5401 info@quatre-saisons.com.au
Natalie at Hall VET 62302223 or
Jan Spate VET 6230 2322 or
Yass Valley council 02 6226 1477 or ACT animal control 02 6207 2888 so we can arrange to bring her home. I appreciate any assistance