Chief Minister Gallagher has made known her response to the ACT Centenary Hospital for Women and Children – Maternity Model of Care and Demand Review:
“The key finding of the review into the model of care and demand for these services is that there is a safe and effective service that exists within the Canberra Hospital maternity service and this is something the government is committed to protecting.
“The high level of demand for the new Centenary Hospital for Women and Children is also a strong vote of confidence in the facility and the government’s investment in this essential new piece of health infrastructure.
“The way the ACT is providing maternity services is a progressive approach with proven benefits for both mothers and children and is widely used in hospitals in the UK and New Zealand.
“The model focuses on having continuity of care- that is having the same midwife during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. The model also includes early discharge for well women and babies with follow up provided by midwives visiting the home.”