The Liberals’ Vicki Dunne has the stomach turning news that her FOI digging has shown that the Labor Government has been waiving fees for union friends while charging full freight for groups which vex them:
The ACT Labor Government has waived union and visual arts user’s fees for use of the Fitters’ Workshop, but not for music groups which use the facility, ACT Shadow Arts Minister Vicki Dunne said today.
Documents obtained by the Canberra Liberals under Freedom of Information show that, since early 2010, licence application fees were either waived or not charged at all on three occasions when the Fitters’ Workshop was used by visual arts groups or unions. On two occasions during that time, when the workshop was used by a music group, the fee was charged around $1,200 each time.
“The gratuitous waiving of fees for a two-day use of the Fitters’ Workshop by the Trades and Labour Council in November last year was authorised by the then Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope,” Mrs Dunne said today.