Like the majority of Canberrans, I drive daily for work and leisure.
Aside from speeding and tailgating, dangerous traffic merging is something I see quite regularly going north and southbound on the Gungahlin Drive-Tuggeranong Parkway corridor. Of course this behaviour occurs everywhere in Canberra.
Even with appropriate speed signs and traffic merging in front of them without issue at correct speed, some drivers regardless of experience level will merge onto roads such as the Tuggeranong Parkway as much as thirty kilometres below the speed limit on a regular basis. Anyone already on the parkway will either slow or pre-emptively overtake said slow vehicle(s). Hotspots are traffic coming from Hindmarsh Dr, Cotter Rd northbound and Lady Denman Dr. heading southbound from my experience.
Is driver confidence the issue? Were they taught to merge incorrectly? Do they think traffic should slow for their merging vehicle? What are some practical solutions?
What traffic behaviour annoys you most?