Apparently the intelligencia of Canberra struck this morning at the NAB in Woden (near the doors that used to empty out onto the old fountain fore court). Dye packs were activated close to fifty metres away from the bank, and the police and the good folks from Westfield have been contending with ‘concerned citizens’ (read: rubber necks) for most of this morning.
Amongst the usual plethora of speculation, there are several reliable reports of some poor bugger getting stabbed for getting in road. I hope that individual is all good.
ED (Ntp) – hingo had also submitted the following under the heading “AFP section off area at Westfield Woden”:
I just returned from lunch at Westfield Mall where I noticed Police had marked off an area on the second level just above Donut King (to the left of the escalators). I saw at least 6 police officers guarding the area but did not bother to go up and have a look. A colleague of mine who was there earlier says he saw large patches of something red which he thought looked like blood and there was an ambulance outside.
Anyone know what is going on?
Seems S4anta does