I need someone to tell me if we can knock down an internal wall without making the house fall over and then, if it is ok to do so, knock down said wall. Any recommendations for someone professional who could do this small job? This is the first step in doing up our place and there may be more work down the track. Cheers Rioters.
ACT Government rules a new 50-metre pool is 'unfeasible' for Woden
This doesn't make sense, Mr Barr wants everyone to live in apartments ( with limited parking) close… View
I'm confused. A 50 metre pool isn't considered feasible because of a (relative) smallish population… View
The answer is fairly simple; 70/30. With the government's 70/30 policy, development is all about… View
PM eyes long election campaign on back of Future Made in Australia win
"Future Made in Australia" relies on the dubious concept of Australia becoming a "global energy… View
Rex Airlines goes into administration, raising fears for regional medical services
If it happens there will be incessant pleas for more services to even less economic locations, more… View
We’ve used public money to help major Aus corporations. Tax offsets. Covid Payments. Massive $$ to… View
Call to get behind Liberals' lead Senate candidate after vote
Seano/Holocene (presumed same person) Notably apparent is your utilisation of words/terms as a weak… View
Never brought up Zed. I am talking about the current person within this article. Your comment of… View
agreed View