A $3.05 million intensive support service providing multi-disciplinary trauma support for vulnerable children was opened today by Minister for Children and Young People Mick Gentleman.
The Trauma Recovery Centre will provide a therapeutic service for children to the age of 12, who have experienced trauma as a result of abuse and neglect.
“The Trauma Recovery Centre, or Melaleuca Place as it will be known, is a new way of supporting children and young people who have suffered some of the worst kinds of abuse or neglect,” Mr Gentleman said.
“A key aim of Melaleuca Place will be to work with established organisations such as the Child and Family Centres, the Child at Risk Health Unit and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, to ensure a comprehensive, holistic and collaborative approach is provided to
children and young people in the ACT.
“The ACT Government is committed to protecting children from abuse and neglect and recognises the importance of providing targeted and holistic early intervention and prevention services to children, families and carers. Melaleuca Place is a big step to achieving this and I thank all those involved in its development.”
Coinciding with the official opening of Melaleuca Place, the Community Services Directorate also hosted the Melaleuca Place Symposium: A Trauma Informed Approach; Practice, Partnership, Recovery and Hope.
“The symposium was a unique opportunity for the ACT and showcased a number of presentations and panel discussions from experts in the field including Professor Louise Newman and Professor Judy Atkinson to name just a few,” Mr Gentleman said.
“This really highlighted the Government’s commitment to building a trauma-informed community services sector through the provision of professional development and training opportunities from experts around Australia.”
The establishment of Melaleuca Place is an election commitment, with the ACT Government committing $3.05 million over four years to establish the service from the 2013-14 Budget.
People can watch a live stream of the official opening from 9am-9:45am and the symposium, Keynote Speakers and Expert Panel Discussion from 10:30am-12:40pm by visiting http://canberralive.act.gov.au/events/event/trauma-recovery-centre-launch-symposium/
(Media Release Mick Gentleman)