On the way: Minister for Sport and Recreation Yvette Berry with officials and players at Phillip District Enclosed Oval. Facilities should be completed by mid-2025. Photo: ACT Government.
Construction has finally started on upgrades to the Phillip District Enclosed Oval, more than three years after funding was first announced in the 2021 ACT Budget.
The first stage of the project, a $7.5 million 2020 election promise, is a new stand-alone community sports pavilion and additional car parking spaces.
Other works soon to follow include LED sports ground lighting, a new storage shed, a new irrigation system, a new turf wicket and refurbishment of the existing Michael O’Connor Grandstand.
An extra $1.764 million was allocated in the May Budget to complete these works.
The new pavilion will have a community area, a kiosk, changerooms, general-purpose rooms, amenities and storage areas.
Phillip District Enclosed Oval is located on the corner of Ainsworth Street and Abermarle Place. It is used by Canberra Royals Rugby Union, Woden Valley Rams Rugby League Club and Weston Creek Molonglo Cricket Club, which have all been lobbying for an upgrade to the ageing and increasingly inadequate facilities.
The improvements will bring Phillip District Enclosed Oval into line with other high-quality enclosed facilities in the ACT, such as Greenway Oval and Gungahlin Oval.
Construction had been expected to get underway in 2022.
Minister for Sport and Recreation Yvette Berry said the upgrades would improve the usability of this much-loved Canberra facility.
Ms Berry thanked local clubs for contributing to the project consultation and acknowledged their patience.
She said there were always complications with projects of this size and the government had to ensure it had the right team to do the job.
“It will be unrecognisable once it is completed,” she said.

What the new Phillip District Enclosed Oval pavilion will look like. Image: ACT Government.
Ms Berry said the new facilities would cater to the women and girls who are now playing traditionally male-dominated sports.
“We’re seeing the need for upgraded facilities, including more inclusive and female-friendly sports facilities,” she said.
The project is due to be completed in mid-2025.
Canberra Royals Rugby Union Club president Dr Jim Taylor said the club and other key sporting user groups were thrilled at the support and funding from the ACT Government for the upgrades, including the extra funding to complete the grandstand upgrades, lighting, and storage garages.
“This is a fantastic outcome for all involved,” he said.
Independent candidate for Murrumbidgee and former Woden Valley Community Council president Fiona Carrick said the project would be great for the rugby community but she would like to see more ambition for the area.
Ms Carrick said the oval was located in a strategically significant 13-hectare area that sat between the Canberra Hospital and the Woden Town Centre.
She said this land could be developed into a health, education and sports precinct that would benefit the local community and help to attract much-needed students and health professionals to the ACT health care system.
“It could provide parking to alleviate congestion at the hospital,” she said.
“A small electric shuttle bus could also connect the hospital to the town centre and public transport to integrate the development of these precincts.”