I am planning a major window cleaning episode at chez troll and am seeking fellow rioters’ recommendations as to the best newspaper to get my glazing sparkling in this glorious spring sunshine. The problem is, the newspapers I have tested this week are pretty woeful, and my limited testing has revealed the following traits:
All the Murdoch papers leave a series of brown streaks almost as though they were full of shite. The Daily Telegraph is the worst by far, and even the supposedly pinnacle of Rupert’s empire, the Australian, leaves big brown streaks of bias.
The Canberra Times is OK but it takes a heap of work to get the best out of it.
The Chronicle is so lightweight I find I am using reams to accomplish anything.
The Sydney Morning Herald is possibly the best of the rags, and tends to clean streak-free with little fuss and doesn’t seem to matter which orientation it is held during the cleaning strokes.
Anyone out there recommend another source of newsprint to go with the Windex?