Stromlo Forest Park will be home to a 50m pool in 2019 after the ACT Government committed to spend $33 million in the upcoming ACT Budget 2016/17 on the facility for the Weston Creek and Molonglo community
Construction is expected to commence in 2017.
The announcement was part of the ACT Government’s Pop-up cabinet in Weston Creek and Molonglo today.
ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said early planning was underway to identify the scope and services to be offered at the new facility. The design would include the capacity for possible expansion and additional features to be added over time as the surrounding suburbs surrounding continued to grow, and as funding became available.
“While cycling, equestrian, running and walking will continue to be key activities within Stromlo Forest Park, it is also becoming an integral recreation resource for the residents of Molonglo,” Mr Barr said.
In addition to announcing a new pool at the Park, today the government also released the final Stromlo Forest Park master plan following a community consultation period which commenced late last year.
The final master plan is a vision for the park, which has attracted over 100,000 visits from people around Canberra and the region. The plan may be updated in the future as needs evolve and recreational trends change. Any upgrades are subject to future budget decisions.
Along with the final master plan map and written report, the government released a consultation report and its own response to the main themes that were raised during the consultation period.
Community engagement on the updated master plan commenced in early December 2015 and concluded in February 2016. Seven written submissions and 744 online responses were received.
Stromlo pool is the first significant project that has been funded and will be delivered under the master plan and a range of additional projects have also been identified as possible future developments at the site. While not currently funded, tourist accommodation, an enclosed oval, district playing fields and a 12km road cycling circuit are all included in the final master plan and will be progressed and consulted on as funding becomes available.
“We believe the final master plan balances a range of new sport and recreation opportunities at the Park, while still being considerate of traditional user groups,” Mr Barr said.
The final master plan, consultation report and government response can be found at www.stromloforestpark.com.au