Does anyone else find the parking situation at the ANU simply ridiculous?
I have recently purchased from the ANU a student parking permit (cost me $68), last month I parked in a rather shameful manner (30cm over the marked line and only because i could not find any other park and was running late for a lecture!) and to my despair was fined…..$72! (Which i dutifully paid btw!) On Thursday after leaving home 1/2 hour early, just so i’d have enough time to find a park, i found a spot outside the BPBuilding (Language Building). However i was immediately harrassed by the parking nazi for having parked in a staff carpark!!! STAFF CARPARK??? But i had parked in this same carpark on numerous occasions previous to this and had never noticed the “Staff Only” sign!!! Why??? Why??? Am i blind? NO! Because they JUST put it up!!! Making all of the carparks in the BPB and AD.Hope area Staff Parking….what a joke! How unfair!!! I spent 45 minutes scouring the various carparks searching for a spot, and ended up in the Law School Carpark having to spend another $5 for a pay and display voucher all on a student budget!……this situation has become seriously annoying. I think it’s unfair that students have the last option in parking when the university is supposed to help educate us, not to send us broke!…..not only do we have to pay HECS, we have to pay to park on our own university and we also get fined and have to spend hours searching for a park….and lecturers wonder why some of us don’t come to class!!!! And yes, i know there are student carparks around the uni but i am still to get to uni and find a free spot in one of those carparks….they are always full! I have also heard rumours that public servants working in Civic bribe ANU students for their permits so they can park on campus… really has become a joke and i am sick of it! Someone, somewhere needs to sort this shit out!