I heard some distressing news from someone today on the subject of asbestos and the predicted rise in related diseases over the coming years. We got onto the names of some people affected and Peter Leonard’s name was mentioned. I was surprised by this and prompted for further details. The member of our group who brought up his name elaborated, stating she was an acquaintance of the family and a few months after retiring, Peter became somewhat ill. According to this person, he was diagnosed with an “asbestos related conditions“, likely caused by some home renovations years back and he has “around 3 months“. I grew up with Peter Leonard reading the news, and being beamed into your home every night they become a part of the family almost. I was wondering if anyone could confirm or deny this, hopefully the latter.
Mainstream media has its flaws, but it's miles ahead of the sewer on X
My Twitter/X feed isn't a sewer. I see articles mostly about education & tech, as that is what I am… View
Journalists crying about their irrelevance. Meh. View
Dan Nahum So Bill Shorten then new UC vice chancellor will earn 860,000 a year more than double what… View
Tough budget decisions needed across government to save the hard gains made in health
The majority of ACT residents keep voting Labor, and this is what you get, services are met with… View
Perhaps the mass transfer of criminals from the Justice System to the Health System for… View
Hellenic Club fined $1.2 million after pokies gambler took his own life
After four "4" years of investigation, FGS. View
What garbage. As far as I'm aware, the Hellenic club weren't forcing him through the front door. It… View
Whilst some things have no other solution than to be banned, generally all that banning things does… View
Markets operator faces competition as government puts old bus depot out to tender
Ha ha, about right. View
Not another out-to-tender. How many successful ones have we had? View